Chapter 47- It's A Small Universe After All

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The next day Peter decided to apologize to Rose. He had barely slept, thinking about the fight with his friend. At the end of the day he was friends with Rose, Shadow, and hell, maybe event allies with the Nameless Avenger. He walked to her apartment, hoping she hadn't disappeared yet. When he got close to the apartment building he saw police surrounding the building. They were walking in and out, and refused to let him inside. Peter suddenly got a sickening feeling in his stomach, opting to run down the street to the small store Rose's guardian Aaron owned. Maybe there was a robbery or something at the apartment building so she wasn't there.

Peter ran into the store, and went straight to the counter. Aaron was speaking to a police officer, he seemed oddly shaken up about something. When Peter got close to the two men, the officer stepped away.
"Thank you Mr. Coleman, we'll find the people who took her," the policeman said leaving.
Aaron rubbed his face with his hands, "Thank you officer."
Peter hurried over to Aaron, who seemed exhausted.
"Oh h-hey Peter," Aaron greeted the teen.
"Where's... Rosetta?" For some reason, Peter almost didn't want an answer to that.
"Peter," Aaron placed a gentle hand on the brunette's shoulder, "Rose was... taken... last night. The police are working on finding her, we just have to be patient alright?"
Peter froze, his blood running cold, "W-what?"
"You should go tell Ned, can you do that for me?"
"I- yeah... I tell him."


Rose laid on the floor of her cell, unable to move because of whatever that disk on her back did. She had already tried to use her powers to break free, but whatever the clear hexagon tiles all over her body did prevented that. Her best guess was that she had been there for twenty four hours, during that time she had slept as much as she could to simply pass the time. She needed to escape, who knows what the "Collector" person would do to her. Someone walked past her cell and slid a tray of food into the cell. They walked away before Rose could get a good look at them. The hexagon tiles stopped locking up, meaning she could finally move her joints.

Rose sat up and looked at the tray. There was some sort of fruit (vegetable? She couldn't tell) and a bag of what she assumed to be the space equivalent of chips. They clearly let her move around to eat, meaning that they didn't want her to die.
"Ok so, they need me alive..." Rose began whispering to herself, just saying her ideas aloud to fill the silence, "If I die they won't get whatever pay check this is all for. I should probably-."
Serophin appeared with some sort of metal wrench, dragging it along the metal bars.
"Hey little human, you better eat up or we'll have to shove it down your throat," she warned.
Rose grabbed the bag of chips (they definitely were made of something else, but Rose just kept telling herself they were chips), tore it open, and began to eat. They tasted like the vitamins she was forced to take when she was a child, a disgusting metallic taste appeared on the back of her tongue. Regardless, she kept eye contact with Serophin and ate the food out of spite.
Serophin giggled, "Good, can't have you starving now can we?"
"Yeah, dying wouldn't be ideal for you or me would it?" Rose retorted.


Once Rose finished eating, Serophin hit a button on some small remote. It locked the hexagon tiles into place again, Rose was stuck sitting on the floor cross legged. She hated it, it was like all control over her body was taken away from her. Not to mention she was probably in the middle of space, nowhere near Earth. She wondered if Aaron was ok, he took a pretty bad hit. Thankfully she managed to create a portal to get him out of there, but wasn't able to jump through herself in time. Even if she could make a portal (which was impossible with the annoying clear tiles covering herself), she didn't know how far away Earth was. Meaning it was very possible to just fall into a star, the path of an asteroid, or to absolutely nowhere and get killed by the vacuum of space. None of those situations sounded ideal to the blue eyed teen, who opted to just sit with her thoughts for the time being. Maybe she really was going to die... no, no Rose couldn't think like that. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.

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