Chapter 48- Oh Great, Another Threat to the Universe

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The god looked up at Rose, "Ruby?"
Rose shrugged, "Meh, close enough."
Thor's hair had been cut short, he wore an eyepatch, and his facial expression had changed to one hardened with grief and rage.
"You two know each other?" Peter questioned.
"We have fought alongside each other in the past," Thor answered.
Rose stretched a bit, "Back then you had two eyes..."
"Don't remind me," Thor grumbled.
"So what happened to you?" Gamora stepped in.
Rose took the second to look around. There was a shirtless man with grey skin and red tattoos, she avoided eye contact with him. There was also... a talking tree? Rose rubbed her eyes, was she seeing that right? Yeah, she definitely was.

"-Thanos did it. He took the Space Stone and left. I couldn't stop him, none of us could."
Rose stopped zoning out and tuned into the conversation. Who was Thanos? She just nodded like she knew exactly what was being talked about.
Gamora's eyes widened, "If Thanos gets all the infinity stones, he can wipe out half the universe with a snap of his fingers."
"Wait... what?" Rose froze, that didn't sound good.
"Well we need to stop this guy then! Where's he heading next?" Peter asked, taking initiative.
Rose coughed a bit, "Uh, not trying to interrupt, but can I get a bit of an explanation here?"
"Me too," Rocket piped in.

Gamora went on to explain who Thanos was. He was a mad titan, forced to watch his own world crumble before him from overpopulation. In an attempt to save other species from such a fate, he went from planet to planet killing half of the population. That was far too slow however, so he diverted his attention to gathering all the infinity stones. If all of them came into his possession, Thanos could instantly wipe out half of the universe. The room fell silent, nobody knowing what to say after that.

"He's insane," the man (that Rose later learned was named Drax) finally said, breaking the silence.
"No he isn't," Rose replied.
Everyone looked at her, shocked at what she said. Thor seemed particularly upset by this, standing straight up and walking over to Rose.
"What do you mean he's not? He slaughtered my people, and you dare defend him!" The god of thunder yelled.
Rose wasn't phased, even if everyone else held their breaths in anticipation of what was to come. She simply leaned against a wall and crossed her arms, shrugging as she did so.
"I do dare," she finally spoke, "I dare because this Thanos guy is thinking perfectly rationally."
Thor grabbed Rose by the collar, shaking her in the process. Their eyes met, fiery rage with monotone sky blue eyes. The tension in the air felt so think that is could choke anyone nearby.
"Calm down thunder boy, I'm not on his side," Rose admitted, "I was just saying that he isn't insane, from his perspective he's saving all of us. He's clearly succeeding at the moment, meaning he knows what he's doing."
Thor let go, walking away in a huff.

"Let's all take a deep breath," Peter sighed, "We need to figure out where he is going next and stop him."
"Well he's going to stop at Earth at one point," Rose added.
"The Mind Stone is still there," Thor explained to the others.
Gamora's eyes widened, "Nowhere, the Collector probably has one."
"I need to head to Nidavellir, my hammer was shattered and I need a new weapon," Thor added.
Rose leaned against the wall, "You hammer was shattered? How the hell did that happen?"
"Family," Thor replied.
"Speaking of your family, where's Loki?" Instantly Rose saw the depressing look in Thor's eye and changed her mind, "Actually, don't answer that."


The plan quickly formed within the group. Peter, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis would head to Nowhere to try and get the Reality Stone before Thanos. Rose would go with Thor, Rocket, and Groot (the talking tree kept saying "I am Groot," so Rose made a safe assumption on its name) to a forge built around a dying star to get Thor a new weapon. She climbed into the escape pod along with her group, looking around the cramped space. Once they were all there, Rocket started it up and they travelled deeper into space.

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