Chapter 17- Ultron [Part 2]

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Most of the people were evacuated, and Tony had located the device that could drop the city.
"Everyone to the old church, I found the device."
Rose looked over at Wanda, and they both nodded. They ran to an old church with some sort of device in the center.
"We need to make sure no robots reach this. If they press it, the city will drop," Captain America informed everyone.
A loud noise was heard all around the church.
"They're coming!" Tony yelled.
Everyone stood around the device. Hundreds of robots flooded into the building. Rose shot energy blasts, and took a split second to observe the chaos. Each Avenger was fighting with all they had. Hulk was smashing robots, Pietro was running in circles knocking them out, Captain America was knocking them away with his shield, Wanda was using her powers (which Rose didn't fully understand) to control where the robots moved and crash them into just about anything, Thor was smashing them with his hammer, Hawkeye was shooting them with his bow, Black Widow was shooting them with her pistols, Iron Man was shooting them with all sorts of gadgets, Vision was fazing into robots and and ripping them apart, and Rose was sending blasts of Tesseract power at every robot she saw. Rose felt an odd sense of pride. Everyone was fighting with all their strength. Nobody could see it under Rose's mask, but for the first time in years she had a genuine smile on her face.

The robots stopped coming as quickly after a few minutes of constant fighting. There were piles of destroyed robots everywhere. Rose saw Ultron's main body land outside the main building. Rose ran out, and held both her hands out. She focused all her energy, and shot a constant beam of energy at Ultron. She never knew she could shoot one constant beam of energy, but made sure to not lose focus. Rose saw other beams of energy shoot Ultron, and looked around. Iron Man and Thor were at her sides, and Vision was floating above her. All of them were using their powers to melt Ultron's body. He was launched away to another part of the city, and a crash was heard in the distance. All the robots stopped coming, and everyone met back up.
"Tony, get to work blowing this island up. Everyone else, sweep the city one last time for civilians," Cap instructed.
"Thor I'm going to need you up here, so don't go too far," Tony said flying off.

Rose ran off, searching every building as fast as she could. She found only a small handful of remaining civilians. While she was escorting some people, she saw the Quinjet fly overhead.
"Who is flying that?" Rose thought.
Rose snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone groan in pain. She ran over to a man with an injured arm. She opened her backpack and pulled out her water bottle. She poured it over his wound, and put it back in her bag. She was bandaging his wound, when she collapsed to the ground.
"Are you ok?" The man asked nervously.
Rose clutched her chest. Nothing hurt, but something was definitely wrong.
"G-go," Rose told the man.
The man ran off to one of the Life Boats. Rose closed her eyes and felt the energy in the ground. Before she could feel both Wanda and Pietro's energy. Right now, she could only feel one signal of energy.
"N-no, no! NO!" Rose yelled slamming her fist into the ground.
Rose knew one of them had died. Not only that, but Rose felt the remaining person's energy signal grow stronger and stronger. Rose heard a yell in the distance, and a massive wave of energy surged through the ground. The yell was one of sorrow and pain.
"That was Scarlet, she felt it too," Rose muttered.
Rose stood up and got back to work clearly out the civilians. Rose gave the all clear for her area, and began to walk over to one of the Life Boats.

Rose was mostly limping by now. The adrenaline finally wore off, and her entire body ached in pain.
"P-Pietro's dead," Hawkeye said over the coms.
Nobody responded. Rose ignored it and kept walking. She was the last one about to board one of the Life Boats. When she was just inches from the Life Boat, the city dropped. Rose panicked as the Life Boat got further and further. Cars, rubble, and everything else seemed to be floating around her. Rose jumped, and shot a massive energy blast from both of her hands. She had no more energy left, this had to be enough. She flew up to the boat and touched the edge, but it wasn't enough. She couldn't grab the edge, she wasn't high enough. Rose couldn't fire another energy blast, she couldn't reach. She began to fall. Rose closed her eyes, knowing this was the end.

Rose felt hands grab her right arm. She opened her eyes to see a man reaching over the edge holding her arm. Other people walked over and helped him pull Rose up. They pulled her up onto the ship, and she collapsed to the ground. Rose pushed herself up, and looked at the people who saved her.
"T-thank you," Rose stuttered trying to calm her nerves, not even noticing the tears streaming down her face.
The man nodded, and all the other people sat back down. Rose pushed herself next to some other people sitting on the floor. Rose was dirty, bloody, and sweaty. She felt like shit, but knew it wasn't over. Rose peaked over the edge of the Life Boat to see the city dropping. People were watching, and some were praying.
"Come on Tony, do it!" Rose thought to herself.
As if on queue, the city blew apart. Thor and Tony were seen flying away. People began to cheer, some began to cry, and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"We won."
"Good job everyone."
"I need a drink."
"Me too."
"My brother... what happened?"
"He died saving me and a little boy. He's a hero."
"Is Ultron gone? For good?"
"Vision destroyed the last of him."
"Thank God."
"Hulk took the Quinjet and disappeared, and we can't track him."
"We'll find him, don't worry Natasha."
"Rose are you ok? You haven't spoken..."
Rose slowly lifted her hand to her earpiece.
"I'm fine, but a little tired."
"Everyone is."
"Please don't tell the public anything about me, I don't want the kind of attention."
"I think you've earned some privacy."
"We won't kid, don't worry."
Rose felt something hit her shoulder. She looked to her side to see someone passed out on her shoulder. Rose looked at everyone on the Life Boat. They were all tired, some were injured, and some were asleep. Rose looked back to the person asleep on her shoulder. It was a woman with a cut across her face. Rose didn't even care about the woman's blood dripping on her uniform. Rose sighed, rested her head against the side of the ship, and fell asleep.

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