Chapter 59- A New Threat

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Peter leaned over to whisper to Rose while they stood in the airport, "I didn't bring the suit, I refuse to do any Spider-Manning on my break."
They looked ahead as a member of airport security checked Peter's suitcase like all the previous ones before him. Sitting right on top was a familiar red and blue article of clothing, the woman slowly lifted it up to inspect it. Rose bit back a laugh as Peter only gave a nervous smile, which seemed to convince her as she lowered it. After Rose's backpack was cleared Ned and Rose looked at Peter.
"Yeah, totally didn't bring it," Rose teased.
"You are a horrible liar," Ned added.
"No my aunt packed it for me I swear!" Peter said to defend himself.
Rose only gave a sarcastic "sure" and walked away, joining the rest of their class who was sitting off to the side. She took a seat next to MJ, although it didn't take long for the silence to be interrupted.

"Yeah, my family and I take vacations to Europe all the time," Flash bragged for anyone who was willing to listen.
Their teacher Mr. Harrington stopped counting heads and looked at the teen, "That's interesting, has anyone done the same before?"
Two or three students raised their hands, although Rose did not. Ned grabbed Rose's wrist and lifted her hand up himself, earning a glare as the teen ripped her limb back. Flash noticed and walked over, looking down at Rose who was sitting on a chair.
"What was that about Coleman?" He squinted his eyes.
"Nothing Thompson," she spat.
"No no raise your hand, come on don't be shy Coleman."
"Did I hurt your pride or something?"
"I just want to know if you've been to Europe, c'mon share with the class," Flash taunted.
Rose leaned back and shrugged, "Yeah, and?"
"And I don't believe you," Flash leaned in to whisper, "You are just some poor orphan."
Rose quite frankly didn't care, staring with the same blank face. Ned obviously did care, so he looked up with a glare in his eyes.
"Rose wasn't born in America Flash!"

A few people looked over, Rose just groaning and hitting Ned in the shoulder.
"Bullshit," Flash retorted, "Why do you have an American accent then?"
"Because we are in America dumbass."
"But wouldn't you-."
Rose stood up cutting Flash off, "I don't see why we are arguing over this."
Their teacher walked over and gave an excited smile, "Well Rosetta maybe you can share what that was like with us on our trip!"
"Mr. Harrington I was very young, I don't remember much beside it being cold," Rose lied like she hadn't wandered around the continent for nearly two and a half years, "That's why I didn't bother raising my hand."
"Oh... well let's all get on the plane then!"


Flash took a seat next to Rose on the plane, although she took the window seat first. The last time she was on a plane she was being arrested and sent to the Raft, which led to her being kidnapped, which led to her almost dying. To say she was on her guard would probably be an understatement. Flash leaned his head on her shoulder, noticing how tense she was.
"Awww is Coleman scared of flying?"
Rose kept her eyes out the window, "Not really, but sure whatever makes you feel better about yourself."
"I think you are, you got a pretty tight grip on that backpack of yours," Flash looked down at it, "Actually why don't you let me see it?"
He reached out to grab the strap, but Rose was much quicker. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it at a painful angle, Flash let out a curse. Inside the bag was Rose's knife that she snuck through airport security, if someone saw it it could cause a few problems. Also it was her backpack, anyone who tried to dig through it without warning was probably going to get hurt.

"C-can I have my hand back?" Flash whispered to not attract attention from other people nearby.
Rose slowly tilted her head and gripped the wrist tighter, "I don't know... are you going to touch my shit again?"
There was silence, although Flash's eyes were far more focused on the pain.
"Come on Thompson, cat got your tongue?"
He mumbled something, although Rose only leaned close.
"What was that?"
"I won't touch your shit," he said louder.
Rose let go, leaning back into her seat. She put her backpack under the window as far from the other teen as it could be. Flash stood up and stretched, grabbing his bag.
"Well I'm going to first class, enjoy being poor."

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