Chapter 27- Promise Me You'll Escape

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Tony got an alert that Rose was attempting to break the power-canceling bracelets. He knew the guards at the Raft would already be on it, so he didn't worry too much. He was planning on going to the Raft to ask Sam where Steve and Bucky were heading.

When Tony got off the helicopter, he was greeted by the head of security on the Raft.
"We are glad you are here," the man said walking with Tony.
"What, why?" Tony asked, noticing the man seemed to be in a slight panic.
"Rose Knox has escaped."
Tony froze, how the hell could she escape from a prison in the middle of the ocean?
"Well escape might not be the right word, we are finding evidence that it was actually a kidnapping," the man explained.
"How could someone kidnap a prisoner from here?!" Tony asked getting annoyed at everything.
"We are working to figure it out, but it is likely that Knox intentionally tried to break the bracelets as a kind of S.O.S. We would like your assistance in trying to track her," the man said in a pleading tone.
"I'm working on finding Captain America, I don't have time to track the kid," Tony said pinching the bridge of his nose.
The head of security nodded, and Tony went back to why he came there in the first place. He got the information from Sam, and went back to finding Steve.
"Alright Rose, stay alive for me," Tony thought to himself as he got back into the helicopter to leave.


"So, you come here often?"
Rose's taunting words caused the young soldier to kick her harder, bruising covering her body.
"Why do you try and talk to me?" The soldier asked.
"Honestly this is boring, keeps me entertained," Rose replied.
"Being used as my punching bag is boring?!" The soldier yelled as he hit Rose as hard as he could.
Rose's body swayed from the hit, her stomach feeling as though it was on fire. Even after that, she kept her smug smile and laughed at him.
"Your form sucks ass y'know," Rose said, barely able to get the words out.
"Oh really? Well how do I fix it?" He asked.
"First I need a name, what do I call you?" Rose asked.
"I'm not supposed to give you my name, but the other soldiers call me Trottel," he said.
Rose burst into laughter, a genuine laugh that wasn't meant to taunt. Trottel was confused what could be so funny, so grabbed her by the neck.
"What's so funny bitch?" He asked.
Rose barely was able to get out her words from laughing so hard, having to force herself to calm down.
"Trottel is moron in German," Rose finally said after stopping her laughing.
"Wha- well it doesn't matter, what's wrong with my punching?" Trottel asked letting go of her.
"When you hit you should use the momentum of your entire body. You stand still and solely rely on your strength in your arm, making it weak," Rose explained, ignoring the blood running down her face.

Trottel seemed to change his stance, and punched Rose once more. This hit hurt a hell of a lot more, an iron-tasting liquid filling Rose's mouth.
"D-damn Moron, that hurt pretty bad," Rose stuttered, blood running down her lips.
Although she couldn't see his face, she swore he smiled a little.


The race to find Rose Knox quickly turned into a national investigation. It appears as though she disappeared, no clues left behind. It had been a week, and no evidence of where she was had surfaced.

Rose knew people were looking for her, but she knew they wouldn't find her in time. She had to escape, but the question was how. She escaped a Hydra base before, but now the security was much tighter. Rose lost track of the hours, which turned into days, and maybe even weeks. The routine was simple: wake up, Trottel uses her as a punching bag for a few hours, the leader of the base asks her if she would work with them, spit on him, random soldiers come in a shove little food and water down her throat, pass out, and repeat. Her arms grew sore from hanging from the ceiling 24/7, there were bruises all over her body, her left eye was so swollen she couldn't see out of it, and her clothing was stuck to her body with dried blood. Every breath felt like there was a hundred pounds on her chest, every word taking almost all her energy.

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