Chapter 46- Taken From the Blue Planet

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Rose climbed through the window of the apartment, hoping to not wake up Aaron. As her feet touched the ground, the kitchen light flickered on. Aaron was standing at the counter, leaning against it.
"So, what did you do tonight?" He questioned.
Rose pulled the black mask off her face and shoved it in her pocket immediately. She had a bruise on her jawline from being hit to the ground by Peter, and by the minute it became more noticeable.
Aaron sighed, "Let me guess, you got in a fight?"

Rose closed the window behind her, "A friend and I got into a... disagreement."
"What kind of friends fight each other?"
"To be fair, they thought I was someone else."
"Rose you're too young to be sneaking out and getting in fights. Also, how did you even get climb up to that window?" Aaron just realized there was no clear way someone could climb multiple stories straight up a brick wall.
"There's a gutter," she replied pointing behind her.
Aaron was going to say something, but a banging at the door interrupted the first syllable.

"Who in the world is here at this hour?" Aaron muttered walking over.
Aaron opened the door and was greeted by three humanoid creatures. One was extremely tall, around eight feet. It was a dark purple with shades of blue pigment around its body in splotches. It wore some sort of leather-like jacket, pants made out of the same material. There was some sort of metal club strapped to his back, dirty with rust and usage. Its hands only had three fingers each, and there were no ears on the bald head.

Another humanoid wore a brown cloak, covering its face. It did have some sort of gun in its silver hands, a finger placed delicately on the trigger. The final humanoid looked like a young girl with long black hair, except her skin was a saturated shade of green. There was some sort of device in her hands that gave off a constant beeping noise, one that pierced your ears every time it went off. She wore clothes similar to the purple giant behind her, except smaller to fit her body shape.
"Are you guys cosplayers?" Aaron asked, feeling an overbearing presence from the group.
The purple one stepped forward and swung his arm, sending Aaron flying into the nearby wall.


One minute Rose and Aaron were talking, the next he was laying on the ground against a wall with a newly formed dent. Rose immediately pulled her knife out, keeping an eye on the group.
"Who here possesses the Space Stone?" The one who looked like a young girl asked.
Rose gripped her knife tighter, "It's not here."
The girl rolled her eyes and looked at the one in the cloak, "They're lying again, I told you this species is a pain to deal with."
The one in the cloak pulled out his gun and pointed it at Rose, "Where is the stone?"

Rose looked at Aaron, who was still recovering from the hit. He looked absolutely disoriented, barely able to pull himself up.
"For the last time I don't know where it is. Last time I checked the asguardians had it," she replied.
The green skinned girl held up her device, pointing it at Rose. She looked at the purple one and nodded, causing the giant to barge into the apartment. It tried to get ahold of Rose, who easily dodged the attack. She grabbed Aaron by the arm and pulled him up, quickly dragging him into the small office room. She barricaded the door with everything she could, trying to keep the intruders out. One hit on the door cracked it, meaning Rose had to act fast.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Rose kept muttering as the wooden door cracked more and more.
Aaron seemed to finally get ahold of himself and stood up.
"Rose call the police," he instructed reaching under his desk and pulling out a pistol.
"That's not gonna help much!" She replied as a hole in the door formed.
On the other side she could see the eight foot tall alien-like creature hitting the door with the metal club. Aaron loaded the gun and aimed it at the door.
"Stay back or I will shoot!" He yelled.

When that didn't stop the attack, Rose shoved him back. Aaron was expecting to hit his desk, but instead he hit the floor of his store. He looked around trying to figure out what happened, and looked up. There was a black circle in air, thin grey and blue clouds lining the outside. Rose's hand appeared through it, before being immediately pulled back. The circle closed, leaving the adult speechless. He got up, and called the police as he ran down the street back to his apartment.


"No escape for you," the one in the cloak taunted Rose and she was thrown against the wall.
"I don't have the stone!" She yelled kicking the giant's arm away.
The green-skinned girl held up her device, "Nobody can have cosmic energy levels this high without-."
Suddenly the energy detected in the sensor disappeared. Rose diverted her attention to hiding her energy output, using her subconscious to do so.
"So that other guy had it?" The cloaked figure asked.
"Apparently," the girl responded.
"Arlo, go find him!" The cloaked figure barked at the giant.

"Arlo" nodded and attempted to leave the room. Rose jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to slow him down. The giant stumbled into the living room and tried to shake Rose off. She pulled out her knife and stabbed him multiple times in the neck, hoping to hit a vein or something. It didn't even seem to phase the beast, only pissing it off more. It reached behind it and grabbed Rose, holding her above the ground like some sort of insect. It dropped her to the ground in a way that hurt her ankle, but the avenger had no care for that.
"He doesn't have it!" Rose screamed, hoping to God they would listen.
The one in the cloak walked over and pressed the gun to her head, "Oh really? Then who has it?"
Rose took a deep breath, "If I tell you, will you leave the other guy alone?"
The green-skinned girl waved her hand, "Yeah yeah you sappy human, but we have places to be so hurry this up."
"Inside me, it's inside me."

The three aliens shared a look of confusion, turning back to Rose. She really had no clue what was happening, what these creatures were even going to do with her, but all she knew was that she had to convince them to leave Aaron alone.
"I can prove it!" The teen declared.
Rose held up her hand, the veins and skin slowly filling with a subtle blue glow. Sure she didn't have the Space Stone, and once they realized this they would probably kill her. It was enough for the purple and blue giant to walk over and slap some sort of disk, about the size of a dinner plate, onto her back. Slowly clear hexagon like tiles unfolded from each other and covered every inch of her skin and clothes, even encasing her backpack and sheath. It felt like she was being submerged in water slowly, yet no liquid filled her lungs. When Rose attempted to stand, the tiles locked up and kept her frozen.

"Easy," the one in the cloak muttered.
The smallest one jumped up and down and clapped its hands, "Ooh this will be fun. Wonder what the Collector will do with this one."
The cloaked one shrugged, "Not our business. Arlo, let's go."
The giant threw Rose over its shoulder and walked over to the window, where it kicked the glass hard enough to shatter it. The other two jumped out, landing on some sort of floating platform below. Rose was tossed out, getting a view of what she was on. It seemed to be some sort of flying vehicle, small enough to fit in the alleyway between buildings. Arlo joined the group, then the platform shot straight up into the sky. It stopped suddenly, but Rose was unable to turn her head to get a look at what was happening. Slowly the platform rose into a massive ship, similar to the Quinjets except a much more "This was built from random scrape metal" aesthetic.

"I cannot catch a fucking break," Rose thought to herself, "Was getting kidnapped by humans just not enough bad karma?"
Rose was dragged to a cell, the hexagon tiles around her mouth were ripped off, and she was thrown behind the bars. The young "girl" sat down in front of the metal cage while the other two walked off.
"How'd you get the Space Stone?" The alien questioned.
Rose really needed answers, but wasn't about to give them herself, "We aren't even on a first name bases, why should I tell you anything."
The young alien snickered, "Serophin, you?"
Serophin jumped up, "There we go! Now we know each other, so now you can answer my question!"
"Someone put it in me, that's all I know. Now can you tell me what you want with me?"
"Ever heard of the Collector?"


Serophin told Rose about about some guy named the Collector, who had the largest collection of creature and items from across the universe. He paid criminals to get him the things he wanted, just to add them to his pile of stuff. The things he wanted the most were the infinity stones, he already had gotten one before but lost it somehow. When Rose escaped Hydra she gave off a massive single of cosmic energy, enough that the Collector had machines that could pick it up. It was the exact same as the Space Stone, in both type and power, so he paid Serophin's group to go find it.
"So what's going to happen to me?" Rose asked, her mind already racing with plans to escape.
Serophin began to walk away, "Probably cut you up into little pieces until he finds the rock. I honestly don't get what's so special about it, he refused to tell us. But the pay is pretty high, so who knows."
"Oh well that's just great."

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