Chapter 19- The Nameless Avenger

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Rose walked down a street, and towards a convenience store.
"I never bothered to learn the name of this place, might as well," Rose muttered looking at the sign hanging above the store.
"Aaron's Department Store, For All Your Basic Needs," Rose read aloud.
Rose walked into the store, and the bell on the door rung. The man behind the counter looked up immediately, and a smile covered his face.
"Rose, that was longer than a few weeks," he said with a chuckle.
"Are you Aaron?" Rose asked.
"Oh you read the sign huh? Yeah, and Aaron was my grandfather as well. In fact he was the one who created this store," Aaron explained to Rose.
Rose simply nodded, and went to buy something.
"So where have you been? You said you would be gone for a few weeks, and it has been a few months," Aaron reminded her.
"Things kept coming up," Rose said grabbing a bag of pecans.
"Well glad to see you're alright, don't worry me like that again," he demanded.
"You were worried?" Rose asked tilting her head.
"Of course, you are one of my most frequent costumers," he said with a smile.
"Sorry I worried you," Rose said in a quieter tone.
"Well you didn't mean to, so apology accepted. I do have a question for you," he said as Rose went to pay for the pecans.
"Hm?" Rose hummed pulling out her wallet.
"Why do you always shop here? I'll admit this isn't the nicest store, there are definitely nicer ones just a few blocks away," he confessed.
"You don't kick me out for being a 'delinquent' like all the other shop owners," she told him.
"Well you do look the part," Aaron said with a smirk.
Rose gave a small nod and handed him a few dollar bills from her wallet. She noticed she was almost out of money, given that she didn't go to any fight clubs for a few months. Rose decided to deal with that soon, but most likely not till the next day.

"Are you alright? You're just staring at your wallet," Aaron said bringing Rose from her thoughts.
"Yeah," Rose said taking the change handed to her.
"If you need money-."
"I'm fine," Rose said, cutting off Aaron.
Rose grabbed the bag of pecans, and put it into her sweatshirt pocket. She looked back up at the man staring at her. She never bothered to really get a good look at him, and only truly knew his voice. He looked to be around 35, had short curly black hair, dark green eyes, and looked to be slightly more fit than the average person. He was wearing jeans, a short-sleeved dark blue shirt, and a small silver watch. Rose made a mental note of him, and walked out of the store.

Rose walked down the street, and noticed people crowding around the electronics store. Some people were focused on their phones, all watching closely. Rose pushed her way through the crowd to see the TV. Displayed on the screen, was the news.
"A video clip has surfaced of Sokovia. We will play it now in slow motion as the person seem in this clip is only present for a second," the woman said.
Rose watched the clip they played, it was when the city began to fly. There was a small clip of a dark figure with a mask, and glowing blue hands. They were flying up to the city. The clip stopped, and highlighted the figure.
"Several reports of this figure have begun to emerge, all with the same description. A blue haired woman, with glowing blue hands, and a backpack. People say she was fighting alongside the Avengers, and a little girl claimed that this figure carried her to safety. We have Professor Micheal Green from the University of Washington here, Micheal do you think this is simply a case of mass hysteria?" The woman asked.
"It is possible, as the Avengers never mentioned another figure. It is also possible that this unknown figure was another Iron Man suit, as the blue light can also be seen coming from Tony Starks suits' hands. People may have believed that this suit or robot, was really a person. This would line up as people tend to trust humans more than machines, and their minds convinced them of a false truth in order to feel more safe," the man replied.
"We have asked the Avengers for a statement on this masked figure, but they haven't said anything related to them. Do you think that furthers your theory of it being a machine?" The woman asked straightening her papers.
"It could be a prototype that they are still testing, and don't want to reveal it yet," the man said.
"Are you suggesting that that they have created a humanoid android?" The woman asked him.
"These are possibilities that seemed too far into the realm of science fiction just a few months ago. Then again, the idea of a rouge super-intelligent AI was in the same boat. Given how much the Avengers are clearly hiding from us, I wouldn't call it impossible just yet," the man said straightening his posture.
"What effects do you think this is going to have?" The woman asked the man, who seemed tired of the questions already.
"I believe it will continue to divide the people who think the Avengers are heroes, and the people who believe them to be a rouge band of people causing more harm than good. Some limitations will have to be put on them soon, or some conflict may arise," the man said appearing to be saying this to someone other than the camera or woman.
"Thank you Micheal. People are starting to call this woman the Nameless Avengers, or the NA for short. We will keep you all updated if the Avengers release a statement on them."
With that the news went onto a commercial break.

Rose began to walk down the sidewalk quickly. The description of blue hair made a few people look at her. She had her hood up, but a few strands of hair were peaking out. She walked into an alley way behind a building and sat down leaning against a wall.
"The Nameless Avenger? I've heard more creative names before, but it works for me," Rose said to herself as she started eating some Pecans.
Rose didn't seem to care for it all. To her, it was simply another mild inconvenience that wouldn't affect her much. She was already planning on changing her name again, as she had been using Rose Knox for too long.

While Rose was deciding her next move, she got a call. She pulled out her phone, and answered it.
"Who's this?" Rose asked realizing she could have looked at the number.
"I am an agent from Shield, and we would like you to participate in a program to train the new Avengers. The Scarlet Witch and Vision are already there," a man's voice said.
"I know you all wouldn't set this up for two people, who else is there?" Rose asked.
"War Machine, who was also present at Sokovia, and Falcon," the man said.
"So War Machine was the other one flying? Then who the hell is Falcon? Jesus why can't people have normal fucking names?" Rose thought to herself.
"Where?" Rose asked.
"The Shield facility in upstate New York, I believe you know where that is," the man said.
"Yeah, tell them I'll be there tomorrow," Rose instructed.
The man hung up, leaving Rose in the silence once more.
"What the hell is wrong with me? I just told Stark I didn't want to be an Avenger, and yet I agree to join an Avengers training program? God I'm an idiot aren't I?" Rose asked herself placing her head against the brick wall behind her.


Rose walked up to the gate of the Shield facility, waved at the camera, and walked into the now open gates. She couldn't help but feel uncertain about her choice, and, in fact, had often considered not showing up completely.  Rose however always kept her word, never once breaking a promise. Regardless, Rose was opening the door and walking into the building. She was wearing the black modified Shield uniform she wore in Sokovia, her black mask, and her hair tied up. As she walked through the halls, people knew who she was. Her backpack was still on, and her black sheath caught people's attention. Rose followed the directions she was given that morning, and found the doors she was looking for. Rose entered the room, and got a look at the new Avengers.
"Avengers, this is the final addition to the team," Captain America told everyone.

Rose knew who each of them were instantly. Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Captain America, War Machine, Vision, and Falcon.
"Oh so Falcon has mechanical wings, that makes sense," Rose thought as she dropped her bag by the door.
"She's the Nameless Avenger?" Falcon asked.
"Unfortunately," Rose said walking over.
"I'm Colonel Rhodes, but I don't mind if you call me Rhodey," War Machine said sticking out his hand.
"Rose," Rose said shaking his hand.
"I'm Sam," Falcon said to her.
Rose waved to him, and looked back to Captain America.
"You're kind of the leader now, right?" Rose asked him.
"Not officially," Cap responded.
"Tony told us you said you didn't want to be an Avenger," Black Widow said to Rose.
"Where is Stark by the way?" Rose asked.
"He, Thor, and Clint left, and we don't know where Banner is," Cap told her.
"Ah, I see," Rose said scratching her chin.
"Why are you here if you don't want to be an Avenger?" Sam asked.
"Couldn't tell you," Rose said shrugging her shoulders.
"I'm afraid I do not understand," Vision said floating over.
"Same," Rose replied.
"Listen we aren't here to joke around," Rhodey said.
"I was dragged to Sokovia by Stark, next thing I know I'm fighting a hyper intelligent A.I. I'm 14 and barely know how taxes work, so I don't think I'm the most qualified Avenger," Rose said scratching the back of her neck.
"I think I have a compromise," Vision said.
Everyone turned to him, waiting for him to continue.
"Rose trains with us, but will only fight if the mission is highly important," Vision suggested.
"So I only fight if millions are at risk?" Rose asked.
"Precisely," Vision confirmed.
"Alright, deal," Rose said facing Captain America.
"Alright kid, I'm happier with this too," he said shaking her hand.

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