Chapter 12- Putting My Senses To Good Use

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"Why did I do that?! What came over me?! Why was I concerned for people's safety?!" Rose asked herself in a panic as she tried to calm down.
Rose's body acted before she could think. She saw danger, and ran to it. Not only that, but now there was a new threat to the planet? Rose was lost in her thoughts, when something snapped her out of it.


Rose could feel some sort of energy in the Earth. She kneeled down, placing her hand on the ground. The energy was similar to hers, but not the exact same. It was moving, and fast.
"It isn't close to me, I can tell it's over the Atlantic ocean. It has to be powerful for me to be able to sense it," Rose muttered.
Rose could feel the energy getting weaker and weaker, indicating it was getting farther from her.
"What could give off this much energy... that damn staff!" Rose realized standing up.
Rose knew it was the same energy from before. Tony Stark had used certain measures to keep the energy contained, so Rose couldn't detect it before. Rose debated going back to the Avengers, but it wasn't accurate enough to help. It was just "Crossing the Atlantic Ocean" and nothing more. Rose decided to ignore it, and go get some sleep. She found a place to sleep, pulled a blanket from her bag, and went to sleep.


"0625 what are you doing?! How did you escape your cell?! I command you to stand down! Stand down! Take one step closer and I will hurt you!"
"What could you do?"
"Are you going to shoot me? Go ahead."
"What the hell?! The bullet didn't even slow you down! What kind of freak are you?!"
"I don't know, you made me."
"I'll what? Oh that's right, dead people can't talk."

Rose's eyes shot open. She sat up, and noticed her adrenaline was pumping. Rose took a few deep breaths, calming her body.
"It was just a nightmare," Rose mumbled.
Rose couldn't fall back asleep after that. She looked at her watch, it was 6am. Rose shoved the blanket into her backpack, and stood up. She stretched, trying to forget the "nightmare", denying that it was a real memory. Trying to convince herself it never happened, but she knew that nightmare was real. Rose shoved the memory deeper into her mind, and instead focused on this Ultron character. She felt the ground once more. The energy was faint, she wouldn't have noticed it if she was looking for it. Now there were 3 targets? One possessing much more power than the other two. The other two were moving much faster than the more powerful source. It felt like the speed of someone running.
"What the hell? The weaker energy signals are moving like people? Could people have been fused with the energy from the staff? Like me with the Tesseract?" Rose asked herself, mumbling.
Rose began to use all her knowledge to pinpoint the exact location of the energy, knowing she could help.

Rose sat trying to decide her next move. She stood up, and began to walk back to the Avengers Tower. She peaked in to see Tony and Bruce working in the lab, trying to track Ultron.
"Tony there is no way of knowing where he went."
"Jarvis run the scan again."
"I can help," Rose said stepping into the room.
They both turned to see Rose standing in their lab.
"How the hell did you get in here?" Tony asked.
"I've picked your locks before," Rose reminded him.
"Look we are working on tracking down an A.I that wants to destroy the Earth, how can you help?" Tony asked her croaking his arms.
"They're in Southern Africa," Rose said.
"How do you know that?" Bruce asked.
"And what do you mean they?" Tony asked.
"I can feel the energy from the staff. It has a similar energy to mine, so I can detect it. Based on how strong it is, I found they had to be in Southern Africa. I don't know where exactly, but it's better than nothing. The they comes from the fact that there are also 2 people who are carrying the same energy. Most likely experiments like me," Rose explained to them.
"Not bad kid, but we don't know anything about another 2 people," Tony told her.
"Tony, what about when we attacked that Hydra base? Those 2 people working with Hydra, the ones with the powers," Bruce said.
"If they were made with the scepter, it would make sense as to why they were right next to it," Tony mumbled to himself.
"You said Ultron needed a body right? Africa is home to many minerals and metals. It's also a good place to hide out," Rose added.
"Jarvis, run scans on Southern Africa. Search for any suspicious behavior centered around strong metals," Tony instructed.
"Yes sir, beginning the scan now," Jarvis said.

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