Chapter 10- A "Normal" Life

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Needless to say the teacher was pissed. She was calling Rose cocky, arrogant, and a distraction to the rest of the class. Rose sat in the seat across from the teacher. She maintained eye contact the entire time, never seeming to be ashamed of what she did.
"Well what do you have to say for yourself?" The teacher asked.
"No matter what I tell you, your opinion won't change. You believe me to be some kid who thinks they know it all. Even though it isn't true, I know I cannot change your opinion," Rose said.
Rose didn't say this in a cocky tone. It was more of a "I want to avoid progressing this conflict" kind of voice. The teacher was surprised by her tone, as it showed no disrespect.
"You understand you enrolled in this school to be taught by professionals, not to teach yourself," the teacher pointed out.
"I was just thrown in here, I didn't really have a say," Rose explained.
"Did your parents enroll you?" The teacher asked.
"I have no clue who did it. All I know is I am here now," Rose said with a shrug.
"You are dismissed, but next time read along with the class," the teacher said.
Rose stood up and left. She knew she definitely wasn't going to read along next time.

Rose walked into her dorm to see Amanda digging through her backpack. Rose sprinted over and grabbed the backpack, pushing Amanda back onto her bed.
"Now what the hell are you doing?" Rose asked calmly.
"I'm sorry! You're just so mysterious and I got curious!" Amanda explained frantically waving her hands.
"Well what do you want to know?" Rose asked.
"What is this about?" Amanda asked holding up the torn off Shield patch.
"What? That isn't real, it was a prank my friends pulled on me. They attached it to my clothes because they always said I would make a good Shield agent. I ripped it off and put it in there," Rose lied.
"Why did they say you would make a good Shield agent?" Amanda asked.
"Couldn't tell you, they are a bunch of weirdos," Rose shrugged as she continued this lie.
"Oh, why keep it?" Amanda asked.
"There wasn't a trash can nearby so I stuffed it in my bag. I forgot it was in there," Rose said.
"Well good thing you didn't litter," Amanda said with a smile.
Rose didn't respond and took the patch from Amanda. She put it back in her bag as she laid down. She had a class about controlling your powers in an hour. She already could control it, so she couldn't help but feel she was wasting her time.
"So how was your first class?" Amanda asked.
"Pissed off the teacher without trying," Rose sighed.
"What did you do?" Amanda asked curiously.
"I said I already learned the topic when she freaked out about me not reading along. She gave me the test to try and prove me wrong, but I aced the damn thing," Rose said sitting up.
"Oh, not what I expected," Amanda said.
Amanda shot up realizing she was almost late for her next class. She waved goodbye and ran out the door.

Someone ran down the hall calling for people to look at the news. Rose walked down the hallway to see the TV everyone was standing around. There was news of Iron Man fighting someone called the Mandarin, a well-known terrorist.
"The X-Men could defeat the Avengers any day," someone said.
"No way! Did you see the hulk?!" Another said.
"Beast could beat him!" The first voice said.
"Shh! I'm trying to listen!" A girl said.
The previous voices went silent, and everyone kept watching the news. Rose looked at her watch, she had to get to her next class. She turned around and made her way to outside.

There were a few other students outside. They clearly could barely control their abilities, and were struggling. It didn't take long for them to realize Rose had control of her power. Once again, the teacher was given a student who didn't need a teacher. By the end of the day, Rose thought she was going to lose her mind. This was her life, she would be living like this.


1 month later, and Rose was still living at this school. While they had Rose training with her powers, Rose was working on something else. She was trying to find new ways to use her powers. They mostly had her shooting the energy blasts from her hands, and she was bored of that.
"Rose you are always working on that computer, what are you doing?" Amanda asked.
Rose had borrowed a computer from the school. She was hacking into Shield to get more information on the Tesseract. She was actually almost in, which surprised her. She was never great with technology, but she had been working for so long that is was inevitable.
"Researching something that will help with my powers," Rose said.
"You are so focused on getting stronger, why?" Amanda asked opening a bag with pretzels.
Rose leaned back in her chair and turned to Amanda. Amanda offered her a pretzel, and Rose took one.
"Well, I can't explain it. I feel like I need to get as strong as I can. I want to become the strongest version of myself," Rose explained as she put the pretzel in her mouth.
"Why don't you focus on something else? Pick up a hobby or something. For example I like gardening," Amanda suggested.
"This is my hobby," Rose said turning back to the computer.
"Well if you're happy," Amanda shrugged.

It was late at night, and Rose was still typing away at the computer. Finally, she got into Shield's database. She clicked on the files about the Tesseract. Rose wrote down everything she needed, and closed all the windows on the computer. She put it aside, as she no longer needed it. Rose began to work on figuring out secrets of the Tesseract, and how it could affect her.
"The Tesseract has been used for teleportation multiple times?" Rose whispered to herself.
Of course Rose wondered if she could open portals. It was very early in the morning so her mind was wandering thinking about insane ideas. Luckily it was the weekend, so Rose didn't have classes the next day. Rose pulled an all-nighter working on this information. Amanda woke up, stretched, and looked over to see Rose surrounded by papers and drinking some water.
"You're up early," Amanda said.
"Actually I haven't slept," Rose said without looking up from her papers.
"What?!" Amanda asked in shock.
"My mind is filled with ideas, and I can't write them down fast enough," Rose said as she was writing.
"Why don't you call it a day and get some rest?" Amanda asked Rose.
Rose looked up at her. Part of her hair was covering her right eye. She pushed it aside so she could see clearly.
"Sleep does sound nice, but I'll do it later," Rose said then looked back down at her papers.
"I don't understand your commitment sometimes. I don't know if your incredible, stupid, or insane," Amanda pointed out.
"Probably a bit of all 3," Rose said reading a paper.
"Probably. Well I'm going to go grab breakfast, feel free to join," Amanda said brushing her hair.

When Amanda stood up, she couldn't help but peak at Rose's papers. There were drawings of some cube, and words she couldn't read.
"I've written it all in German cause I knew you would peak," Rose said feeling Amanda's stare.
"I didn't know you knew German!" Amanda exclaimed.
"I learned German along with English growing up, so I find it easy to write in one and talk in the other," Rose said adding to one of the sketches.
"Do you know any other languages?" Amanda asked.
Rose put down her pencil and got off her bed. She stretched and took another drink of water.
"Yeah, now are we getting breakfast?" She asked.
Amanda smiled and they left the room.

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