Chapter 14

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I felt better after a quick wash. I emerged into the room to find Lucian reclining on the bed. Waiting for me. I turned away and aimed for the door.  I would go rest on my own bed. Lucian's was a mess anyway. With splotches of blood, torn fabrics and stuffings all over the bed it was not a tempting place to be but all that was rendered meaningless with Lucian's mere presence. I felt as always overwhelmed by him.

The door was locked.

"Really?" I huffed out then hobbled around to face him. "Seriously? "

"Come to bed," he said sending a delicious shiver thrilling through me.

I shook my head. " No!"

He turned to face me then. His eyes entrapping me. Drawing me in where I stood.

I shivered.

"Come to me," he whispered softly. 

I wanted to.  God! I wanted to. But I refrained with my innate stubbornness. His lips twitched in a subdued smirk. That he could find it funny didn't bode well for his sentiments over me. I was a walking piece of wreck.

He should never have been able to find humor in my situation and yet he did.  Were our position reversed, I would have been destroyed to find him hurt. It hurt. Hurt like hell that he thought so little of me.

"Let.. let me out," I pleaded brokenly.  I was tired.  So dead tired.  Exhausted.  I needed to simply leave.  Was that really so much to ask.

My head had fallen in my resentment but it jerked back up now to find Lucian hovering over me like an anxious puppy.  Only he couldn't be anxious. Not over me.

I lifted my fists to pound at his chest. It didn't matter that he was the love of my life.  At this moment I only hated him.

"I hate you!  I hate you! I hate you!" I pounded away at his chest irrationally. Sobbing hard I missed his shaking shoulders for what it was but then the bellow of laughter that sprung from him enlightened me to his true state well enough. 

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare laugh at me!" I demanded furiously.  I reached back to the fling out a slap that was long overdue and much deserved but found my hands caught in his unimpeachable vice.

"Wouldn't you rather kiss me instead, " he murmured laconically.

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