Chapter 56

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Unable to go back to sleep, I roused myself enough to get ready for the day ahead. Clad in my trusty blue denims and white cotton shirt I took a moment to run a brush through my unruly locks before turning to tuck Brian back into bed.

His blanket was all askew from the tossing and turning I went through all night. Because of the tense situation between the vampire fractions I thought it best to keep him close to me at all times and that meant sharing my room with him. That didn't seem to fare too well for poor Brian though.  My endless haunting recollections of Lucian have been serving to keep the poor boy from a growing boy's much needed sleep. I leaned forward to kiss his forehead before straightening up to stride down stairs.

Mum and dad had finally succumbed to what was expected of retirees and gone on a world tour leaving the farm to run in my very capable but tired hands.

Brian was a dear and a great help. His vampire speeds and uncanny way with the animals made mince meat of the daily chores. Still I didn't feel quite right in having him do all of it. I took the greater load for my own and left him the menial chores better suited to ordinary nine year olds nevermind that he was physically and mentally superior in every way.

Just three weeks ago Brian and I have both been thrust upon the farm by Damon without any ceremony. Likewise mum and dad had been bundled out and away without any fuss.

Having spent a lot of the past five years on back packing tours across Asia, Europe and Africa,  I hadn't thought to intervene when Damon had come to me with a proposal to send my parents away on a trip.  I had naturally jumped at the idea and had happily accepted the all paid expense trip for my parents on their behalf. So now here I was stuck on this farm caring for their livestock.

"You're up early, " said Nicky poping up out of nowhere and shocking me senseless in the process.  I paused to offer him a well aimed glare before continuing on with my more leisurely pace to the kitchen.

"I couldn't sleep, " I mumbled out grumpily as I eased over to the stove.  Setting a pot of water to boil I bent over to pull out a mug and then the coffee grains.

Nicky reached out past me pulling out the sugar and then the strainer with an ease of familiarity. I was fully aware that this was not the first time he had stayed over at my parents with me. Mum and dad had been only to glad to fill me in on the time Lucian had spent on the farm with us. They were estatic to find me free of Lucian.  Free of all memories of him entirely. But it seemed a vampire induced faded memories like everything else had a timespan. I was slowly begining to recall more and more of our past together so that my parent's vehement claim that my associations with Lucian had been  killing me had not been a surprise. My parents had been glad to know that it was over. That my involvement with Lucian was over.

But my experiences with Lucian had not been all bad. For along  with Lucian came Nicky,  his protection.... my protection.

Nicky had toured the world with me shadowing me every step of the way. He has for five years now been my self appointed shadow. Only we all knew he was not self-appointed. He was here because Lucian put him here and his being here made Damon leave Brian with me. For here at my parents farm both Brian and I were safe in Nicky's care from the emerging turmoil between the vampire sects.

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