Chapter 74

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The sounds were subtle but still made it evident that I was not remotely alone as I had otherwise expected.

I had of course roused from death much earlier than this. But dying a second time round was just as taxing as the first.  I was bowled over by Lucian's grief still. And this was two days on from the moment we made love. My very first time with Lucian.  My first with anyone really.

My only regret was that such a perfect memory of our time together was sp sadly foiled by my death.

But death by sex was not that unusual when it came to doing it with vampires.  At least that was the message I got from the reaction at the local hospital when the barely clad Lucian all but dashed into the operation theatre with a newly revived corpse, me, in his arms. 

Lucian hadn't taken all that long in noticing the beat of my heart had fallen silent.  Sweeping my wound close he instantly proceeded to feed me his. Prying my mouth open and holding my head back did its job in providing me with the much needed source of sustenance.  Then cpr had done its work on the rest.

But I had needed more blood.  So thrusting me into his shirt and himself stepping into his discarded pants, he all but whipped up a storm in his urgency in getting to the hospital.

Now two days on and my eyes was aching for the sight of my much absent better half. He was avoiding me. Dodging his own needs to be with me. A need I reciprocated to the nth degree.

I craved him like never before. I virtually burned for him. Every inch of me on fire to have him close and then closer still. But I would have settled for a mere glimpse even.  There was no surprise that he abysmally absent. I think I could safely say he had no intentions of ever turning up within my vicinity again.

I looked around without much interest to see whom it was that visited me in my room. All I knew was that it was not Lucian.  That was apparent enough from the lack of hair raising reaction from mere proximity. My sensitivity to Lucian was acute.

I turned my head to discover the bright green gaze of Brian.  Seeing him settled something of the agitation I was feeling.

"Brian?  Is Nicky with you? " I asked knowing not to bother with asking of Lucian's whereabouts.

" Yeah he's right outside the door, " said Brian pointing to the door behind him. "There's Mr Coleman here to see you if you're up for it."

I wasn't.  But I couldn't take just lying here doing nothing much longer either.  I was getting out of this damn hospital today if its the last thing I ever do. Knowing me it might very well be.

"Send him in, please, " I murmured softly before raising myself to prop up against the headboard.  I was off all meds and have been since the first day here.  All I needed was blood.  Enough of that had me ready to go as soon as possible but it was Lucian's unwanted intervention that had me doped up for the day and here I was still whoozy from recovery.

I think a visit from Mr Coleman might just be what I need to snap me out of stupor and back into the swing of things. That being to take off running after Lucian and hauling his ass back into my arms.

Brian moved off to escort Coleman in then he withdrew closing the door to my private hospital room behind him.

" How are you feeling?  I heard what happened, " said Coleman looking seriously straight at me.  I felt the flush of embarrassment flooding my face. Just what had he heard? Did he know that Lucian and I had been.... when I dropped dead on him.

"I'm better.  Thank you. "

There was a lengthy pause after that as awkward as they come.

"You're here with the contract? " I asked hesitantly but he only shook his head surprising me.

" I came to make you an alternate  proposal. One in which you wouldn't need to sell me your parent's home," said Mr Coleman before pausing to look at me assessingly. "I came to propose marriage.  Marry me, Kira."

I stared uncomprehendingly at him. The clock ticked on past as neither of us spoke but then he sighed, giving in first.  "You have an alliance with the vampires which I need and I have everything else that you need, wealth, health and the ability to provide for your every need. You could have children with me. In fact I would insist on it. I do not find you unattractive. I think we would fare well together."

The pause that eventuated from that speech was as lengthy as the first. So he spoke again as I was clearly not able to.  

"I can offer you something you would never have otherwise.  The ability to live with me side by side everystep of the way. You don't have to douse yourself in garlic to be with me," said Coleman finally pulling out his heavy artillery of ammunition.

The blast from the last said it all. He really did know to some extent just what had transpired between Lucian and me.

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