Chapter 49

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I burrowed my face deeper into Damon's Armani jacket. Breathing in the expensive scent of his parfume. He was like a soothing balm to my hurts. No matter if it was a physical hurting or an emotional one Damon always was there to make all things right.

I recalled our first meeting.  I was all but six at the time and Damon being four years my senior was ten. It was at the same party when I first met Lucian.  A rowdy boy at seven he had already caught my attention with his mischief but it was Damon who spoke to me first.

"Where did you get that lolly?" asked the ten year old Damon putting me instantly on defence.  It was my lolly and I wasn't about to hand it over without a fight.

"Its mine!" I exclaimed indignantly before attempting to hide it behind me in the folds of my skirts. His wolfish grin was wicked even at the age of ten. Damon leaned in reaching out behind me to grab at my hands but he was too late the lolly sticky from my constant licking had already stuck fast to my skirts.

"Now see what you have done! " I had all but wailed at him before placing both hands on his thin shoulders and shoving him aside. I ran to crying to my mummy.

My meeting Lucian shortly after had been a little less dramatic. But we had become fast friends from then on and was virtually inseparable.

I looked up at the man Damon had become. His dark good looks was unquestionable but he was so much more that his mere physical perfection.  "You did that on purpose, " I said accusingly.

Damon nodded without preamble.  He knew exactly what I refered to.

"You have been doing it all this while," I acused again refering to Damon's every effort to disuade Lucian from approaching me. Or  simply talking to me. I hadn't placed it all together but I did so now like a an intricate puzzle box. I tried to assemble the pieces to the puzzle.

" Why?" I asked finally giving up on the monstrous task.

" You asked it of me," said Damon unflinchingly. Leaning in he placed his lips right at my ear before whispering beneath his breath," You asked me for my help in ensuring Lucian was happy.  He was not happy with you."

I wrenched back my head to stare up at Damon in shock.  Did he mean.? Did he mean that Lucian and I were once..?

My train of thoughts were momentarily disrupted by the announcement of the cake cutting ceremony.  I blindly followed where Damon led. My hand gripped tightly in his and my mind a boggling mess.

I stood pale faced in shock through the cheers and clamour that usually accompanied a simple cake cutting session by the bride and groom.  Watching Lucian place his best showman smile as he went through the routine amoungst the many ribald jokes at his expense made me marvel at his expertise.  I realised then that he was very much like his brother,  Damon that way. He too had the uncanny ability to pull a wool over everyone's eye.

I begun to wonder just how many times had I been susceptible to this particular talent of his. And from Damon too. Could I really trust anything that came out from the silver tongued devils that were these Pall brothers?

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