Chapter 5

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End flashbacks


I glanced up in startlement, surprised to find myself back in Lucian's company very much in the present. I glanced down at my empty plate. The omlete he prepared was consumed. I felt stronger for it but even so my expression paled.

I looked up at Lucian's expression.

Concern flickered in and out.

Guilt? Or was it something more?  I didn't know. And this time I would find out but I would do so gradually.

"Its late," I said finally,  needing him to leave.

His eyes flickered to my mouth before resting at the base of my throat, gleaming hot and sultry. If I didn't know any better I would have said the thoughts running through his head now were salacious. But I did know better.

"I wish for you to confess.  You were in pain?" He asked me doubtfully.

" I am in pain," I said finally.  I was tired of hiding.  Of the cloak and daggers. It simply didn't matter anymore. I didn't value my pride anymore.  He could take that too along with his daily sip of my  life force.  Of his dip into the nourishment that was my soul.

His hands trembled in fear as they reached out to gather me close. I knew the one thing he feared most was losing me. I was his life but unlike the way he way mine.

" I don't understand, " he murmured hesitantly into my ears. His husky words rained sparks of lust filled torment onto my already frail frame. I trembled in his grip and all but moaned as his lips brushed down my ears to settle at the base of my neck.

" Tell me, " he urged.  His growl fierce and intense over any threat that caused me pain. That caused him pain. My pain caused him pain.

I didn't want him to hurt.

Not because of me.

So I told him.

"I love you." 

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