Chapter 50

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I couldn't watch.

Excusing myself I made my way to the ladies. I just needed a moment to myself to regroup and take stock of where things stood.

Being a lavish mansion,  the ladies encompased a powder room to its side. I made for the vanity there but found it was already very crowded.

"I just love vampires! Don't you?" Gushed  out a random girl I have never seen before.  But she was not talking to me. I turned to whom she was talking to and found that I didn't recognise her either.

"Their the perfect boyfriends. They're gone all day and then they bang you all night. Its like the perfect one night stand. With no strings attached. And all for the price of an occasional pint or two," cooed the most missinformed girl I have ever met.

I couldn't contain myself then. "You say this from personal experience?" I asked really wanting to know.  If the vamps were the ideal I perhaps should not be too hasty in sending the only one interested in me that way packing. 

"Like duh! Of course I am.  Who here isn't?"

Well that certainly gave me new perspective to the large number of humans in the guest list.  I couldn't help a shudder even though I knew they wouldn't be breaking out into a feeding frenzy turning every human here into a meal like some horror flick.

Still I couldn't resist asking even though I knew exactly what was coming, referring to her earlier comment, I queried interestedly, " But why are the gone in the day and only with you at night?" I pretended at a little confusion. And she fell right into the trap.

"Because its daylight silly. Everyone knows vampires are like creatures of the night. They can't survive the sun," she said rolling her eyes pointedly. 

I gave her blond locks a pointed look of my own. "Its daylight now and has been for quite sometime."

I turned away then fed up with the bimbos of the world.  I emerged to find the party was back to a more somber swing of things. I glanced around and caught Nicky's eye but just as I turned to head up to him I saw the dumb blond furiously barrelling straight for him. I winced then a quickly back tracked. Lucian's wedding was certainly turning out to be a wedding from hell. For me anyway.

And I was suspiciously coming to believe that it might all be a hell of my making.  

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