Chapter 16

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I was almost choking from his blood before his grip on my head relented. I shot him a nasty look ready to berate him but already I felt better. As if the aches and pains of the day before never happened.  I looked up at Lucian and saw that he was not at home. He'd dissapeared to wherever it was he went whenever I fed off him.  If I didn't know better I would have said he found my drinking from him erotic but as I did know better that was ridiculous.

Already his wound had closed. I reached back down to lick the spills clean and get more of my yummy ice cream along the way. His torso was already glistening shiny only a moment later but still I went on flicking a lazy lick here and there. Very much like a cat enjoying her cream. Lucian's hand was back in my hair massaging at my scalp so I didn't think  he minded over much.

"My turn I think," he murmured hoarsely a short while later. 

"But you already fed off me.  Just yesterday," I reminded him.

"You wanted your kiss,  didn't you.  I should feed first before we start any of that," he said somewhat grimly.  I frowned.  Any of that!

That was not the way I wanted the most precious moment of my life described.  I pulled away from him.

"No! We will not kiss. I won't ask that off you.  I was wrong to place my hopes with you.  The mistake was mine not yours. I will resolve it. I will not burden you with my wants anymore, " I muttered unhappily under my breath.

"And how will you do this? What makes you think you can simply set aside something that you were so willing to die for only yesterday," he asked sardonically.  Already mocking my attempt that I have yet to think through myself.

"I have a workable plan now that would see me through my moments of depression, " I lied insistently.

"Oh? And what pray tell is this plan," he glinted at me openly mocking. 

I curbed the urge to punch his shoulder and break my fists at it and instead said," I will find myself a man. Someone I could love and who could love me back. I would have his kiss as my first true kiss.  I won't bother you for attention again.

The sudden quiet had a menacing quality to it that silently stole my breath away.

Lucian wrapped my hair around his hand locking me to him. He drew my head up till I was a hairs breath from him. His eyes were cold, dark and deadly as he enunciated clearly and succinctly," Like hell you will!"

Then he closed the gap between us and the world that I knew existed tore apart at  the fringes.

The kiss was like nothing I could ever imagine.  Flooding me with sensations so powerful that it was all I became aware of. It was all that I lived for as vital as my next breath.  Breath that stalled completely altogether as his lips parted mine and devoured me inside out. His tongue was a cool flick against mine, in the heated recesses of my mouth, in combat with my own. Tasting and craving. Flicking over me and drawing me to him. Voluptuous and sensual, I was on fire. I burned. I craved. I hungered.

My heart thumped hard against my chest pumping hard to get the much depleted oxygen to my brain.  My lungs had forgotten how to work so that when his lips softly left mine it was only his painful tug to my hair that started it lunging in air. I gasped for the much needed breath. Gasped once twice and no more for his lips were back and in possession of mine. The lazy flick of his tongue against my lips found no resistance.  I parted inviting him in. Then followed his retreating tongue to beg him back. The dance to and fro went on and on. Mimicked closely by his hips rocking against my own. 

I felt cool air on my heated skin then cold hands upon it chilling me to the bone. His lips tore away from mine then to drift

down with sensual percision towards my exposed bossoms.

Only he didn't quite make it. His hands moved up to grip tight at the glistening slopes of my milky white breasts.  His lips pausing to nuzzle lovingly at my throat before he drifted lower.

It was the sharp pin prick followed by the familiar dollop of sheer pain as he sucked my blood straight from my aorta that brought me screaming back off the sensual plane to the realities of earth.

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