Chapter 17

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He pulled away. Lips drenched scarlet with my blood.  His tongue peeped out in the corner before moving to flick over his lush lips taking away all traces of his having just fed off me.

"You look pale. I have taken too much," he said casually before laying down back beside me.  Once again I found my lips reluctantly plastered to an open wound on his chest. His grip on my head unrelenting.  I took the merest amounts before licking over the slit wanting it to close up faster. Not that I was remotely able to facilitate that. I didn't want to feed but my suspicion ran that he took great enjoyment of me feeding off him and I could not deprive him of his enjoyment of me. However that enjoyment came about.

I lay my head on his chest once more replaying our kiss. It had been beyond my expectations. A kiss of unimaginable pleasure. I took joyous relish from the recollection. Replaying every brush of his lips, every swipe of his tongue against mine.

"I have a meeting to attend tonight.  I want you with me," he said abruptly destroying my lusty fantasy in which Lucian and I had been playing at greater things then mere exchange of kisses.  I flushed red and muttered a curt," Sure."

"Do you need to shop? Make an appointment at Masie's. I want you looking your best," he said playing with my hair. I shrugged.  What did it matter what the food looked like?

"You need to eat.  Do you want to order in or eat out?" He asked next as if he would be taking me out for a meal. I shrugged indifferently again. I didn't have much appetite for food despite having not eaten for as long as I could remember. My appetites now were purely carnal but I doubt I would get more action from Lucian then the kiss he had already bestowed.  So I didn't hold my breath in anticipation.  Instead I rolled off the bed and onto my feet.

I wavered for a bit before finding my balance.  It was more than my recovery or our blood exchange that rendered me off balance.  It was merely what happened when ones world was rocked off its axis and the sun that one had been cautiously tip toeing around now stood glaring steadily straight into ones face.

It was naturally overbright and bound to knock one of ones balance.

"I'll go find Nedd to drive me into town, " I mumbled out before walking gingerly out the door that had somehow gotten unlocked towards my own room. I showered and changed into casual jeans and t before ambling out of the house in search of Nedd.

I found him waiting for me on the doorstep engine running and ready to drive me to wherever I pleased. But today was a day for unhealthy indulgence. So I decided to imbibe in chocolate thickshake and burger at McDonald's of all places. It has been too long since I last walked into one and the sense of excitement for some god awful burgers spun out of bound. I imbibed with relish. Munching on fries, nuggets and slurping my shake like I've never eaten before.

But it was over all too soon. I looked up to find Nedd's eyes fixated in me.  His grin wide and unrestrained.

"You're still here," I said surprised.  I thought he would merely drop me off then roll away to wherever Lucian needed him next.

"Lucian wanted me with you. I am to drive you to Masie's next," he said without preamble.

I merely nodded my head meekly knowing there was  no point in arguing otherwise. Nedd would do as his master dictates.  I had no say in the matter. I never had.

Masie's was packed but arrangements were made to make allowances for me. Lucian had clout and not to mention muscles that no one would knowingly provoke. One such muscles stood right beside me amiable in his discourse with the proprietor of the place. I let Nedd work his magic then followed the attendent who emerged to usher me in.

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