Chapter 91

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I broke away not long after. A bloody mess of guts and gore. Only none of it was mine.

I had drunk my fill and layed low the lot of them. But I had it mindless distractions. They were hindering my efforts in seeking my goal. Lucian's freedom.

It had been child's play with the vamps and that too only because of Lucian's presence within me but now I faced a household of originals. One that had over powered the Pall's and even Lucian himself.

It didn't matter though. Facing them meant nothing to me. It would not be the first time I died. Been there done that. Thrice over. And here I still was living to die again. I would die as many times as it took get Lucian out.

I straightened my spine and my limbs then took off at a run. Whipping through the remaining distance between me and the house.


Kira don't!

Save yourself. Leave!

I shook my head blindly as I went trying to silence his increasingly frantic pleas while bursting forward at incredible speeds. Leaping and bounding over obstacles and up buildings that stood in my way.

Then I was there. I shot over the last hurdle and came to a sudden comic stillness before the great door.

There was no one there baring my way. They wanted me to simply walk in. To surrender to my imminent death. To proceed on with my futile rescue mission that would only see me captured instead.

Captured and bled dry. Tortured probably. Killed definitely.

I reached out a steady hand and pushed open the unlatched door. It swung open easily. Reaffirming the obvious and that was that I was expected.

I stepped over the threshold and called out boldly," Hello?"

I was not an original. I was without a plan or the appropriate means to facilitate a successful rescue. I was also until very recently abhoringly human. Frail and without the means to withstand any of what I have this day.

But despite all that, I am still here or very possibly a respite from all that, is why I was still here.

I took another cautious step forward ready for any ambush. Any soul destroying attempt at my life. I didn't even need my soul anymore.  I already shared Lucian's. His dying would take me with him regardless. And vice versa. So I would simply do my best and let what happens next try its worst.

A shadowy image emerged from around a far corner. The blur moved closer before coming to a stop before me. I stared up at the man before me with some surprise.


He didn't immediately respond but intensely stared a moment in silence. I stared back not bothering to hide my owm.growing bewilderment. Why was Damon here? And why hadn't he rescued Lucian?

"You changed," he murmured almost accusingly.

I didn't see how that mattered at this moment so I said instead," Lucian. Did you find him?"

"Fuck Lucian!"

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