Chapter 3

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Three years back

"Oh my god!"

I leaped out of the car into the pounding rain and held my hands over my head to protect me from the battering heavy drops of water.

I swept the water away from my eyes and  slicking my matted hair back from my face I made my way gingerly towards the man who stood in the streets. The man I only just barely avoided colliding with. I approached with caution unable to distinguish his features in the down pour. The twilight hour of the day was thrown into pitch darkness by the heavy clouds and falling rain. I had only the head beam of my car to light my way.

"Mister? Mister are you okay?" I asked stopping a good way away. I was not about to get any closer. He didn't look stable. I watched as he spun on his feet instinctively towards me. His head cocked at an angle. I could tell he was curious and suspicious at the same time. But what did he have to fear? I was the vulnerable one here.

I took a step back then another.


Hearing my name being called out from his lips stunned me into stillness. Who was he? How did he know my name? How could he even see me?

I took another step back unsure if I had even heard him right but then he was  moving towards me his steps becoming sure his face becoming focused. I stiffled my breath even as I stumbled a few more frantic steps backwards. But then the beam of my car caught him right smack in his face.


He called my name again and this time I stopped and replied in disbelief," Lucian?"

I opened my mouth to ask him further wanting to know what was he about blocking the road in this torrent rain but before I could get a word out  I was enveloped in his arms.

His hug was fierce and bone crushing. I stiffled the urge to fight him and simply called out instead," You're crushing me."

Just like that I had been released and Lucian had no longer been within touching distance of me. Instead he was back standing where he first stood. Where the beam of my car first lit upon him. I gasped in shock. Unsure if I had imagined that hug after all. But the bruising strength of his embrace could still be felt by my tender flesh.

I moved my shoulders gingerly trying not to wince. My ribs were intact and I could breath. I didn't think I had any crushed bones but I sure felt like I did.

"Lucian?" I said raspily. "What the fuck?"

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