Chapter 45

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The wait was not long after. As soon as the men took their places the organs struck up the matrimonial march. Then in walked a boy of four years old. It was Damon's son. And he looked absolutely adorable clad in a tux that matched his dad's. 

The church sighed collectively over him too.

Then the bride was walking in. Her pace slow and sure following the sounds of the organ perfectly.  I couldn't help but stare in awe. She looked so unimaginably beautiful that my breath caught up in my throat.

I turned to catch the expression on Lucian's face when he saw his bride but found his eyes trained unblinkingly on me. As were Damon's and Nicky's even. Julian was busy winking at someone up front.  It be his latest girlfriend, I wasn't sure.

I tore my gaze away from the men and did my best to ignore the trepidations in the vicinity of my chest. At this rate my heart would be leaping out of my chest soon enough to fall with a splat onto the cold hard ground leaving a large cavity where it once was.

I needed to get my act together.  I muttered a small prayers for help from the almighty.  I really didn't want to be an embarrassment to the Pall's.  And falling apart in a bout of tears would be embarrassing.

The Pall's have been so kind in looking after me all these months. But I knew I could stay no more.  Not after this wedding.  I didn't know why only that I couldn't remain here  not even with Damon.

I would have to have a word with Damon tonight and explain things to him. I knew he had been getting impatient with me. Wanting me to take the next step with him. But I couldn't make love to a man I barely remembered knowing.  I didn't feel as comfortable with Damon as I did with Lucian.

The priest in front completed a prayer then the traditional exchange of vows were done. I stared at the two beautiful people at front and frowned.  Not a flicker of interest I saw between the two. They appeared like statues. There was no emotional undercurrents whatsoever. 

Then the all meaningful question was posed to Lucian.  His eyes drifted across the room to settle with quiet intensity on me. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek for no known reason other then the expression in his eyes.

" I do," he said simply turning back to Vanessa he placed the ring on her fingers.

" I now pronounce you man and wife."

I couldn't hold back the inexplicable tears then. They just pours out like a down pour leaving my shoulders shaking and sobs racking my frame. I looked up blinking through the blur that was my vision after a while and found Damon there sitting beside me.

The church was empty. Everyone had left.

"I am sorry. I always cry at weddings," I muttered feebly.  But I didn't think he believed me.

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