Chapter 73

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" You... know... we have... to... talk, " murmured Lucian hoarsely between bouts with my swollen lips.

"Hmm...mmn," I panted out my answer to that, unable to do anything as menial as to actually talk.

He may have fixed my hearing but he certainly took away my ability to speak... or even to form a single coherent thought.... beyond physically demanding succinctly to have his lips be perpetually engaged with mine.

" I... didn't... quite... get that," panted Lucian back at me.

" Emmm...hmmn," was what I said.

We locked lips once more giving up on rational talk. It hadn't been simply our lips engaged in refamilarising themselves but our wandering hands were no better.

Skin to skin from waist up was just another form of torture.  Serving only to intensify the needs but not the ease of release.

I writhed against him hungering for so much more.

"More, " I mumbled out to him, when his lips finally left mine to drift south. The whimper that tore from my lips was animalistic and having no recognition of me.

"More!" I demanded. My eyes flashing open in unbidden anger from unfulfilled yearnings.

" Hushhh," he murmured hoarsely against my heaving breasts, seemingly lost in preoccupations of his own. 

My grip tightened in his hair as his lips tightened its hold on my trashing torso. His tongue laved at me hungrily flicking against my taunt tip and sending me spiraling off into further agitation. 

I tugged brutally at his hair crying out hoarsely in a pleasure pain so intense I almost saw stars because of it. But Lucian appeared oblivious to my woeful plight. Leaving me gasping for air he only bent his head further down to run lapping licks down my flat belly.

" Lucian pp...please."  I begged him shamelessly.

"Wait... hush...shh."

My hands slid down his back as far as it could go but he was bent almost double trying to reach my neather parts with his searching tongue. I reached out to grasp his shoulders trying to reel him back to me.  I needed him flush against me. Skin to skin and burried deep.

Angling uncomfortably, I reached for the waistband of his jeans and made short work of his button before sliding the zip down. The friction that made against the coarse material gave out an unusually loud sound.  One that reviberated in my sensitised ears to flicker sparks down my spine. His head drew back to reveal dark orbs of unbound desire. They were bottomless pits resembling what he became when his inner demon took over.

The canines elongated peeping through his tightly gritted teeth.  Then his hands were at my own waist unsnapping, then tearing away at the tough jeans material as if it were the softest chiffon. The rip was rendering and the first was followed by others till I was bare as the day I was born and thrust up against him.

I had been calling his name all this while but Lucian was too far gone to notice.  Staring up into his swirling dark pools I realised then that I didn't care either way.  I loved him. All that was him. No matter which Lucian he presented to me. His baser side or his truer self. I loved all that was Lucian unconditionally.

Tilting my head to allow him better access I hurled onto my own pool of desire and lust as his length surged into me barely stopping at the barrier he tore through without remorse. Then he was plunging and thrusting in a move as old as time, laying claim to my body as he had already claimed my heart. His head bent over. Teeth piercing my skin, he begun to lap at me.

I begun to drift in and out of the spiralling lust. I had already cum more times than I could remember but his thrusting went on as if possessed.   I understood the need. His need to get beneath my skin and become one with me.  Especially as I all but clawed his back to try and get into his... to be one with him.

But he was taking too much.

I felt the darkness closing in. The rush in my ears intensified again increasing the sloppy slapping sounds of our sweat slick bodies in the throes of intense sexual gratification.

Then the cries of his name spilling from my lips in an endless litany fell silent as did my breathing and with it my heartbeat.

I wasn't sure how much later it was before Lucian realised he was no longer with me. That in his arms, once warm, now swiftly chilling, was the corpse of someone who was once me.

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