Chapter 9

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It was a whole week later when I next encountered Lucian.  Eyes pitch black he sauntered into the auditorium and sat beside me with as much sangfroid as he could muster.

As always my eyes had ate at him. Devouring his every feature with famished attention.  But he remained stoic. I looked away from him with some difficulty. 

It was almost a physical effort to block out his nearness and focus on the flatulent oratory on good governance practices that was being solemnly conveyed by the speaker on stage.  But the dryness of the topic worked against me and unable to stand it. I got up to walk the other way out of the auditorium.

I emerged into the cold with an unconcealed shudder. A second later, Lucian was at my side. His coat draped accross my shoulders and his hand a cold grip on my arm. I followed where he led without evasion. I had missed him too much to pretend otherwise. I had afterall already surrendered my pride there was no reason to linger over pretend disinterest.  Not when he knew that I love him with all my being.

Knew it and decidedly ignored it. 

Although I couldn't fault him for that. It was not his fault that I was hopelessly consumed with my feelings for him. He certainly did nothing to encourage it. In the past three years and in all the time before that never once had he indicated even by accident a feeling for me that was even remotely tender.

I was led to his limo parked at the curb and driven by his vampire chauffeur.  Another obvious evidence that he's reached his prime.  No self respecting vampire became a chauffeur unless it was to guard and serve a vampire stronger than himself.

And Nicky Baker was nearly three years in service with Lucian. 

The door opened and Lucian moved to sit first.  I looked at him in askance but then found myself tugged in afterhim. I was settled without much ado onto his lap. The door shut and Nicky drove off.

I turned then to meet the hungry eyes of one thirsty vampire.  Tilting my head to the side, silently offering what he required.

He stared deeply into my eyes before leaning over while not breaking eye contact to settle his lips on my jugular.  I trembled a little at the cool touch of his lips then cried out when his fangs extended to sink beneath my skin.

I moaned as he drew my life force from me. His slurping suction painfully erotic and then well, just painful.

My thoughts swept  back to the past week even as he fed .

Functioning like an automan I had reverted to my daily routine.  Raising early in the mornings to jog around the harsh neighbourhood I lived in then dashing off to the elemantary school I taught at. I never made to the end of my course at college.  That evenfull night of my encountering Lucian changed that for me. I took up a short teaching course instead and found a job in this neighbourhood. 

The apartment came with the move. Lucian changed so much of my life for me and none of it was good. 

Not good for me.

I spent my life sidle past the obvious,  a good job, a good home, a good husband and embraced instead, Lucian.  My whole world.

Yet he wanted nothing from me. Not my care, not my heart and not even me. Just my blood.

The car came to a stop beside a fourty story building. Reflective glass facade that clearly showed the limo mirrored back. I was lifted off Lucian's lap. The brush of his wet tongue against my skin marked meal time as over. I settled into the seat beside him feeling limp and turned to gaze at Lucian who had his head thrown back in erotic ecstasy. I watched the long dark lashes of his eyes brush against his flushed cheeks and resisted the urge to request for another kiss.

His brief cold brush of lips to mine was not something I wanted to repeat. If nothing more passionate was plausible then I wanted none of it at all. I turned away to look out the other window.  My eyes settled on a lady pushing a baby in stroller.  A scene that was heart warming as its eventuality was futile.

I knew the only way for me to survive... to have any kind of life at all was to escape my existence with Lucian.  I would need to leave. To run away where he could never find me.

I would need to break free clean and start a new some place far away.


The jolt that ran through me was electric. Shocked senseless I turned to face Lucian who stared down at me formidably. The golden hues of his eyes held no tender warmth.

You are mine!

You can never leave.

The amber hues misted then wavered as my eyes filled up then flowed out. My breath hitched and then I bawled out crying openly.  I have always known there was no escape but hearing him think it out to me made it all so final.

I stared down miserably at my hands clasped in my lap and watched blotches of tears turn into endless streams.

He sat there next to me listening to my heart break into a thousand shards. His presence was quiet and respectfull. He didn't offer anything else. No comfort.  No words.

Then I had no more tears. My eyes dried up as I continued to gasp and cry soundlessly and tearlessly. The empty cries were appropriate.  Reflecting my soul. Where no hope remained.

Then the door clicked open and the cool air rushed in. It swept shut a barest instance later.

Lucian was gone.

Within the walls of the building and away from my tortured soul. I didn't blame him.

I would run too.  Away from me. If I was him.

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