Chapter 60

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It was mid afternoon that the skies decided to burst open and crash in a rising crescendo over the dust dried earth. The rain poured in a blinding torrent and the three of us were locked in doors.

It was pitch black outside with gale force winds that smacked and shattered against every loosen board and shutters. Nicky and Brian sat over a deck of cards by the wood lit fire blazing in the hearth but I felt a strange restlessness so keen that it left me pacing.

I wanted to go out.

For some strange inexplicable reason I wanted to go out into the pouring rain. It was as if I was being summoned.  The yearning was just that great that I trembled and shook with every step from wavering resistance.

"Sit down and join us," came Brian's very adult like request.  My gaze wild and uncertain clashed with his and I shook my head before continuing my pacing.  It was not the first time that I was told to sit but both Nicky and Brian failed to move me to comply.

Like a caged cat I strode back and forth pacing in rising tension.

Then it happened. 

My head shot up in shock and excitement.  My eyes narrowed peering into the blinding darkness beyond the window and the torrent of rain as I saw not with my sight but with my bland human senses.

My heart shifted a beat to pound rapidly within my chest. I was out the door and running straight into the storm at a speed that was almost beyond human.

Nicky's and Brian's startled cries rang out behind me but I drove on. Fear and excitement thrilling through my blood as I moved unseeingly at an eerily fast pace through the darkness drawn by something bigger than me.

My mind had shut down and I was flowing on pure instinct flying over a path that would ordinarily send me stumbling carelessly into the mud. But my footfalls were sure as certain as the beat of my heart and the breath puffing out in the cold chilled air.

I was soaked through at the very first instance and would have chilled to the bone by now but whatever power was carrying me forward was also shielding me from the virility of natures angst.

Then I felt it. A blur of power rushing towards me. Arms sure and secure locked about my waist slamming me into his hard chiseled chest.

We stood like that for what must be an eternity plastered against each other,  moulded into each other's arms. Then he spoke. His voice gruff and husky with torment. "Are you okay?"

Not pausing for my reply he continued on,"You shouldn't have stepped out in this rain. I was coming to you."

"I am fine...Lucian.  I am alright now."

My head lifted off his hard firm chest. The fabric of his shirt was plastered to him like a second skin. Drenched as I was his naturally cold temperature was positively chilling but I felt none of it as I stared unseeingly into the dark where his face would be.

Cold lips brushed across my forehead and then I was being lifted up into his arms. "Hold on. I'll get you out of this rain."

I nodded my head in the dark knowing he would have no problems with seeing me as clear as the day. And then I found myself hoisted into his arms.  Wrapping my chilled limbs around him I found myself clinging to the man who made my soul whole as he fleet footed us back to the house in only a moment later.


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