Chapter 98

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Only the lonely cried.

And I  had Lucian.

Still I couldn't  prevent  the  tears that poured out of my  eyes.

Only this time they were tears of joy.

Damon had used his wiles to convince our captors of our release. We were finally free. Hand in hand walking away from all that gory at speeds a human eye would have trouble discerning. We had to move that fast covered as we were in blood. Although a shirtless Lucian was a damn sight better than me. My eyes lingered shamelessly on his remarkable abs ignoring the surroundings of passing motorists and busy pedestrians.  I knew I was secure in Lucian's hands. Mindlessly following his lead as he casually led us through a busy market place without once even so much as scraping against another.

I knew I was positively dreamy eyed in gazing after him and that this level of infatuation couldn't possibly be healthy.  But then Lucian turned his head and his warm gaze settled on mine. Clearly displaying his own wealth of happiness.  His joy was catching.  I beamed up yet another stupid smile like I have done so numerous times since leaving Vanessa's dead body. Each and everytime our ryes met I was lit up from inside out with unbound happiness.  The likes of which I have never experienced before.  And just knowing that Lucian shared it made me ridiculously happier still.

I all but bounded after him willing to be led to the ends of the earths if only to remain in his presence. 

A quick glance about showed me that we may as well be headed for the ends of the earth for we had surely passed all routes that led us home miles back.

"Where are we going?" I asked him finally.

"Where we can be alone and undisturbed," replied Lucian without looking at me. Then he turned back to say," We are  going into the mountains. "

I stared at him in surprise.  I have never been up to the mountains before.  The thought was a little scary. But then I recalled I was no longer a frail human anymore. 

And more importantly I was already dead. Or more like the undead.

I tightened my grip on Lucian's warm palms and allowed the comfort from that hold to swarm over me. Enveloping me in his love.

Feeling mindlessly happy once more I blindly followed on in his wake. Allowing him to lead me where he willed.

We made several stop over s akong the way dropping by the Pall's mansion to have a peep at the sleeping Ian and to  ruffle a disgruntled Brian's hair. I packed us some clothes even though Lucian insisted we wouldn't be needing any and even tossed in several bags of my own blood.

I would feed on myself first before I would even think of feeding on others.

Having showered was a load of our backs. Fresh and clean was a feeling I seriously thought never to experience again.

But here we were all done up in a squeaky clean pair of jeans. I couldn't help but get excited then. We were headed off for the mountains.

Damon joined us just as we were waving our farewells.  I saw that David had also arrived.  Seeing the hostility in both their gazes I was glad that I was leaving. 

Cassie leaned over to murmur reassuringly to Lucian. "Don't worry, luv. I will sort these two out," she said meaning all business.

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