Chapter 66

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"Fuck," said Lucian again.  The bleakness in his expression didn't vary. 

I moved to rise shakily to my feet.  Grabbing the robe at the end of the bed to slip into it. My movements were slow and hesitant not because I was afraid but because I was afraid for him. I was his greatest weakness snd I wouldn't allow him to fail because of me. Not this time.

I inched closer to him trying not to blatantly stare at his naked splendour.  But staring into his eyes wasn't an option either. They glazed over, slaked in lust for my blood. I watched his features tighten and contort as I moved closer still.  His eyes narrowed in to focus unerringly at the base of my throat where blood still flowed freely from the unsealed wound that he left untended from his haste to tear himself away from me. He needed to seal it.

I stood before him wavering unsteadily on my feet. "You have to seal it," I muttered feeling already a little faint.

He shook his head in horror moving a pace back as I neared him. I sighed.

"Okay then, I'll call for Nicky," I mumbled out grumpily. Blood loss could do that to a person.

In the next flurry of movements I found myself pressed up against the wall. His wet tongue flicked lovingly across the base of my throat. Flicking back and forth even long after the wound was sealed and well on its way to healing. I bit back the moan from the tendrils of the delicious sensations his touch invoked.  His hands slammed into the wall on either side of me. Alerting me that it was not all a pleasant sensations for him. Licking my wounds close was a pleasure and a torture for not taking more to him.

Raising my head I met his gaze. His eyes swirled dark in a mixture of love and lust and not all of it for my blood.

Abruptly he turned his back to me and proceeded without compunction to pound his way into the room next door.  Debries of dust and mortar filled the air as the hole in the wall beside me got bigger.

I leaped aside in shock and gaped at him.

Drawing in a calming breath, I said hotly, " There's a stack of bricks and the dry compounds for cement in the barn. Use it when you are done."

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