Chapter 26

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We didn't kiss like I'd wanted to.  I knew why of course.  Lucian had explained earlier that he didn't want to feed temptation. Kissing me would only push his limits.  I knew it would certainly push mine. I wanted to get naked with him and wasn't ashamed to admit it.

We hugged hard instead and tumbled into my narrow bed.  Not that the size mattered.  I didn't think I could move an inch apart even if I wanted to. 

We both settled in to bed in silence. Each wide awake and wanting the other but afraid to move. There had to be a way that I could be with him and not be in his thrall when he fed off me.

It was something I have pondered for the past three years and not come to any viable solution but now I knew he loved me back. There had to be a solution.  There simply had to be. I glanced up at Lucian.  His brows frowned in concentration as he pondered his own line of thoughts.  I warmed over thinking of his own sacrifice.  He loved me enough to refrain from touching me. He didn't want me in his thrall anymore than I wanted to be his mindless blood slave.

We had to give up either one or the other but the choice had been taken away from us almost right from the start. He couldn't relinquish my blood now. And we were doomed to spend an eternity in love with each other and yet not loving each other.

My eyes drifted close at the approaching dawn. Wrapped up snug in his arms I gave up on consciousness and embraced oblivion.

I needed what little sleep I could get. It appeared I would spend the week introducing Lucian to farmlife of all things.

A vampire milking a cow. That would be hilarious in any other situation.

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