Chapter 33

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The week went by quickly.  All too soon I was piling back into my car with Lucian beside me for our return to the city after a bereft farewells to my tearful parents.

Being with them reduced me back to my childhood. I was rendered dependent on them just as I was dependent on Lucian in the city.

I realised I never really got to the stage where I was my own person.  I wondered if anyone got to that stage. I was rather envious of those who did.

The only not necessarily good thing that came off this week was that Lucian and I appeared to have gotten a lot closer.  He opened up to me about his parents disapproval and then there was that awkward moment at the waterhole. I grew warm now just thinking about it.

I sent a surreptive sideways glance at Lucian and found him staring at me. He sensed me swift change in emotions from sadness at leaving my parents to arousal because of him.

"Don't think of it, " he said knowing exactly what it was I was thinking about. Mum had taken me aside in the watering hole and proceeded to lecture me to get out of this unhealthy relationship with Lucian.

" You know I have always let you make your own decisions and I have respected those decisions but this cannot go on. Its killing you.  Can't you see that, " she wailed at me and then dad took her aside to comfort her. It was not quite an idylic   end to a picnic but we packed up shortly after. That is after the downed more than my share of the sandwiches under everyone's watchfull eyes.

Lucian and Nicky had emerged from the water as if they'd gone in fully dressed. They were dry and neat while I was bedraggled and wet.

I dressed up swiftly donning my clothes over my wet swimsuit not wanting to torment anyone any longer with my unhealthy looking self.

Then we had gone home. My parents with me as before and both of them hot in their disapproval over Lucian.  They didn't understand when I tried to tell them. It was no longer a choice for either of us. We were already a done deal.

There would be no walking away from each other.  Not anymore.  It was till death do us part and then. ..not even then. For if I died.  He will. If he died.  I will. We could never be parted.

Never ever.

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