Chapter 83

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Bare chested and clad in merely a pair of jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips, Lucian was engaged in a wrestling match with Nicky that looked anything but friendly.

My gaze lingered over him searchingly but then satisfied that it was not a real fight, I turned to look at Brian.  In his young arms lay Ian. I drifted out to them floating in a cloud of relief. Taking Ian from Brian's inattentive arms I gave him a kiss and placed him in his carrier.

Then ignoring the still tussling vampires,  I bounded back in and upstairs for a much needed shower. I emerged a good half an hour later refreshed and unsurprised to find the vamps still out engaged in their tussle. Such a sight was not rare for me. It had been a regular eye candy back when I used to live with Lucian.  He called it training but I knew it was just a mode to vent his frustrations.

I went on out and collected baby Ian.  I wasn't sure but I thought it was time for his milk. Having seen Lucian prepare it before I set about putting in the appropriate scoops of milk in the bottle and topping it up with warm water. Giving the bottle a shake. I tested its heat then popped the bottle in his little mouth. I gathered him up in my arms and walked back out to watch the show.

Poor Nicky looked as close to a battered pulp as he possibly could without actually getting into that state. I stared at him in horror and dawning apprehension.  I didn't get this need for brutality. It wasn't easy to watch either.  Despite all that lovely expanse of bared male.

" Stop it," I muttered finally.  "You two stop it!"

I looked up at Lucian's imperceptible look with a determined one of my own. I knew what he was getting at but battering up his own friend was not the way to go about it.  Plus Lucian had an unfair advantage of being an original.  A master even.  There was no way I could let him have it all out on poor Nicky.  Exercise was fine but not when he took it to this level.  I gave him a pointed stared that said all I wanted to in the silence that ensued.

With a heartfelt sigh Lucian nodded his head and dropped to his knees to do my silent bidding.  Tearing into his own wrist he laid the open wound before Nicky's cracked lips. Like a dessert starved for water, Nicky's lips instantly latched on to drink in the rich brew.

It was why the originals were master. They were stronger, yes but it was their blood that the turned vampire cherished most. To them the taste was of an aphrodisiac.  I of course couldn't see why. It was tangy and metalic and otherwise gruesome to consume. But then I was not a vampire.  Not yet anyway.

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