Chapter 51

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The rest of the reception passed by in a blur of events mostly with my dodging Nicky's pursuit of vengence and then Lucian seeking me. I couldn't face him anymore.  Not only was he now a married man and clearly off limits but I have a budding feeling that my feelings for him was stronger than mere friendship and they have been so for quite sometime.

I couldn't face that reality.  Not now. Especially now when it was pointless to do so.

I had wanted the change.  I had wanted Lucian's happiness meaning I was not the means to his happiness.  Somehow I didn't think Damon had lied about that.

I searched and found Damon.  Moving over to him I swiftly caught his hand in mine. Damon turned to face me in surprise.

"I won't be leaving tonight. You and I need to talk," I said firmly. There was no way he was getting away from that.

"Sure," he agreed readily," but lets dance for now hmm."

I found myself tugged into his arms and whirled about the dance floor.  A moment later and the surprise abated and I actually found myself enjoying the dance.

He was skilled and firm in leading through the waltz. And I was thankful for it. I didn't do this sort of dancing much... more like not at all.

Then the gong struck reviberating through the mansion.  It was time for the bride and groom to leave. I couldn't avoid Lucian then. He came to me. Tugging me rudely away from Damon's arms.

I was led to a secluded corner. The only apparent place in the mansion not lit up to the limits.  I stood there in the shadows waiting for the heartache I knew was coming and then he said it," Just give me the word. Say it and I am yours."

Tears I could no longer avoid spilled forth at that. I wanted him too. I wanted him so badly.  I have for years and it seems even those years I couldn't remember.  But if what Damon said was true then I gave him up for a reason.

"I can't," I murmured brokenly.  I watched the hope in his eyes snuff out and felt my own heart shatter at his pain.

"Well then there's nothing to stop me from taking at least this," he said firmly. Wounding his hands through the strands of my hair he gripped me tightly before angling in for our first kiss.  At least one that we would remember.

"Your lips is mine. Just this once," he murmured hoarsely before closing the distance between us.

The kiss was all I could have ever hoped for. It embodied all that was Lucian in that one earth moving moment.  I was wound up then spun out into a kaleidoscope of feelings. Each more intense than the other.  Till all that was I ended and all that was he became.

His lips crescended from a gentle assault on my senses to a raging storm that swept me off my feet straight into his arms. Holding me tightly his lip devoured bent on devoting all that he could in the sole kiss we ever exchange.

Again and again he returned to ravage my senses his lips never leaving mine for the kiss to drag on and just as abruptly as it began he ripped us a part. Flinging himself away from me he turned swiftly and walked away never to return to me again.

It was our parting farewell one I wasn't sure we exchanged before the accident that set us apart.

I couldn't keep the tears from falling or the sobs to rack through me with a vengence but then the crowd roared marking the wedding couples departure and any inclinations I may have had to control my emotions went with him.

I broke down into a babbling sobbing mess and that was who Damon gathered into his arms and led away from the staring crowd.

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