Chapter 64

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I grasped him to me like the precious that he was. Together we clung to each other till our mutual fears subsided.

I didn't know what to say to make it all better and I think he was equally without answers. So I did the next best thing. 

"Its late. We should rest.  Tomorrow we will think of something, " I murmured reassuringly,  running my hands soothingly through his swifty drying if still tousled hair.

The night spent in Lucian's arms was over almost as it begun. Morning sunshine stremed through the windows.  It was the first time in a long while that I slept like the dead. Dreamless and without nightmares.  I woke to find the new day was already up and on its way.

Turning my head I took in Lucian's slumbering good looks. He was as deeply asleep as I had been. The lines of fatigue that spoke more than of simple tiredness was gone from his forehead. Unblemished and unmarked,  he was the very epitome of David.  A sulpture of some renoun on a man who the male embodiment of masculine beauty.

I lifted my head to prop it on my hands as I spent the next half an hour merely staring at his amazing profile.  But thrn hr begun to stir.

Unfortunately it was not just Lucian who woke up. It was also his dormat hunger for more than  me.  In a reflex that was too quick for me to comprehend,  I found myself twisted onto my back with his elongated canine sunck deep beneath the flesh at the base of my throat.

I cried out instantly as the  forgotten pain flashed through my synaps fizzling through my sleep leaden brain till I not only wide awake but shierking for him tp stop.

In another instant he had wrenched away from me. Pinning himself to the other ends of the room he stared back at me with the same dawning horror flickering across his face.

A full circle.

We had trapeze through life only to comback a full circle.  Lucian's blood lust for me had laid dormant in his memories thanks to his dad but now he had tasted me once more. Five years of starvation for my blood was clearly evident in the contorted features of his face. He wanted my blood.

His lust for my blood was back.

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