Chapter 71

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"Frolicking with Vampires? Surely not the wisest thing," said Mr Coleman summarily. I merely shrugged my shoulders at him not at all surprised by his observation. I had much the same thoughts more often than not.

"Let's just deal with what you're here for shall we, " I said instead.

" I know your parent's left the power of attorney with you.  You are in the position to decide on whether to sell to me or not. Your parents aren't here so decide for them. I want this property.  It borders on mine. So sell it to me," said Mr Coleman.

I glared up at Coleman feeling well worn and tired. Too much had happened and I didn't need constant altercations with the likes of Coleman to deal with too. He was right.  Mum and dad had left me in charge

I think they did so for just this purpose.  It would be just like them to take off for the great unknown when I needed them most.  Not that they weren't anywhere unknown only that I hadn't a clue of where they were right at this moment.

"Alright!" I muttered finally.  I hated this place anyhow.  It was Brian and Nicky and now Lucian that made it all bearable.  But what I wanted most was to go home. And home was no longer here. It was never here.  Home has always been with Lucian.

"I'll agree to sell. Now take that blond bimbo ypu brought with you and get the hell out of my land," I said simply.  Settlement would take months and that would be all I needed to pack up here and take off with my Lucian.

Coleman's expression didn't vary.  If I didn't know better I would have thought he was almost disappointed by my easy acceptance.  But I didn't care what he thought.  I only wanted him gone. Out of my hair for good.

I turned away from the living room and made for the door.  We had said all that was necessary there was no need to linger. I stopped by the door and turned to open it expecting Coleman to have followed me to it.

But Coleman hesitated in the living room. I looked at him in askance.  His expression flickered monetarily and I opened my mouth to ask what the hell was wrong only he beat me to it. His voice flat amd without expression, " I'll have my lawyers do the necessary.  I already have your contact details.  I'll be in touch. "

That said he walked to the door placed his hand over mi mine before turning the knob to let himself out. He paused for the infinismal moment before going on out. Without looking back or anywhere else, he made for his car and got in the drivers seat. Igniting the engine he murmured something at Vanessa. 

She stood there flashing steely eyes at first Lucian then at me before biting of a curse she flung herself inti the seat beside Coleman.  I felt a momentary pang of fear for him. To have an enraged vampire sitting beside him in the close confines of the car could not be a pleasant experience but his eyes met mine through the windscreen and to all ends and purposes he appeared unperturbed.  Almost oblivious to the angry vamp beside him. Instead he offered me the slightest nod and then was off rumbling down the road back to civilisation.

I turned then to face Lucian searchingly. He appeared unharmed.  The tension eased away from his stiff shoulders.

" You sold," he said accusingly.

"I did."

"Sometimes you just make me want to sink my teeth into you," said Lucian looking at me disgruntledly.

I stared at Lucian. I didn't know how to take that. Did he mean sink teeth as in to drink my blood or just an expression of fuming mad? Sometimes it was hard to tell.

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