Chapter 70

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"I did it for you. Do you think you would have stayed as long as you have with me if I hadn't taken those precautions? Do you really think I wanted to hurt my own babies?  I did what I had to. To keep you with me. If I hadn't you would have gone off running back to her all that much sooner," said Vanessa somehow laying all the blame of her own actions on me. 

The thing was I understood that fear all too well. Having lost Lucian to unavoidable circumstances more times than not. It was a gawning fear with me too but I doubted I could have ever stooped to her level.  I couldn't take the life of an innocent or betray him as she did.

" I have nothing more to say to you, " said Lucian softly. The very gentleness of his tone only amplifying the dangerous undertone to his message.

"I won't relinquish what is mine," cried out Vanessa with a determination that couldn't be denied. But a distinct clearing of the throat drew our attentions away from whatever else she was about to say. Instead our eyes and thoughts settled on the dashing looking Mr Coleman. I winced as his eyes drifted across to settle on mine.  It a question in it. One that said clearly what are you doing involved with vampires.

" I am sorry to interrupt such an... interesting discussion but I am here on business. I would like a word with Kira."

Instantly,  Lucian took a step forward yo place himself between Coleman and me.

I sighed.

I doubted Coleman would harm a strand of hair off my head. It was business he was after not me. Unlike Vanessa.

Lucian must have gotten his vibes crossed. But then I knew it was fir me that he feared with regards to Coleman.  It was of me that his doubts lay. Lucian was intimidated by Coleman's good looks but more importantly his human nature.

I shook my head despairingly at Lucian's back. I have not fallen for anyone in the past five years we've been apart and that hadn't been due to Nicky's loyalty as a self appointed guard dog.

" I don't think its the right time to get into this now, Mr Coleman, " I said from behind Lucian.

"I came all this way to see you.  I want this matter settled soonest. Delay is costing me money," said Coleman.

I bit back a groan. The man was amazingly stubborn.

" Alright!  We can take this inside. But half an hour only. I won't guarantee an outcome either, " I said simply.

But Lucian didn't budge. I could only imagine the exchange of expression between the two men but then Lucian was moving aside and Coleman fell into step beside me.

" What the hell? What's that ghastly smell?" Coleman wrinkled his nose before looking down at me.

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