Chapter 80

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Wrenching free from my grasping hands, Lucian murmured hoarsely, " We really shouldn't. You didn't see the end result of our last sexual encounter.  You were battered and bruised.  Not to mention dead. Very much dead."

It took a moment for me to even comprehend what he was saying let alone actually respond to it. I was that far gone in the haze of passion.  But then I did hear him. I not only heard but I understood.

"That was just because it was the first time.  It won't be like that now," I said insistently.  I would plead if I had to. I was just that shameless when it came to Lucian.

"Don't! " 

Lucian looked at me in serious pain.  "You have no idea how I felt knowing I had killed you. Killed my love."

My heart melted at his pain but my libido didn't shift an inch. "Pleaseee."

But he was steadfast in refusing me. In a blur of movement later I found myself wrapped up in a thick blanket and bundled up against him resembling very much like an overgrown slug.

I felt very much like one too. Not that I knew how a slug actually felt but it couldn't feel all that great being thrust up so. Not that a slug was thrust up at all....

" Lucian!"

I all but whined at him plaintively but all he did was to shift the blanket wrapped about me higher till my neck was all covered by the thick swad if material.  Bundled up as I was, I was sure to sweat like a dog all night long. But Lucian had thought of that too. Cool hands pressed up against my heated cheeks.  His lips brushed my forehead then cradling me within his arms and legs he blew cool breaths onto my face till drowsy from a tiring day I slipped away absently into sleep.

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