Chapter 30

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"I am sorry. I shouldn't have laughed at your budding bromance or should my gaydar alert be tingling," I said daringly.  But his smirk was ready and unrestrained.  He grinned back at me openly. 

"I haven't heard you laugh like that in too long," he said softly.  His wide smile reflecting the glint of light off his canines.  He reached over to run a caressing hand down my cheek and along my jawline.

"You know I didn't actually get much of a meal off my lunch date," he whispered huskily before leaning forward to give me a slow shuddering lick down my throat.

I shivered and shook in mixed reactions but then his lips were on mine open and locked in brusing relief before he abruptly pulled back to glare at me.

"Don't laugh again," he hissed out ferociously if seductively.  I could see he was as turned on as he was literally hungry.

"You should just stop wanting to fuck with your food," I said bluntly, before moving to slam out of the car needing to put as much distance between us as was possible.

His reaction was instant. As soon as I stepped out of the car he was already there crowding into me as his lips took mine in a drugging kiss before he bit into my lips and sucked painfully on it.

I squirmed, pleaded and then hammered my fists into his chest to get him to stop. I whimpered in relief when he did but even so I couldn't stop the torrent of tears flooding my eyes or the loose warble as I my breath hitched in a hysterical fit.

"Why... why...would me?" I hiccuped the question that needed to be asked out. I felt more than a little bruised.  I felt hurt.

But he was no longer there for the asking he had gone. Yet I knew that wherever he was he had heard me loud and clear.

I stood there trembling and shaking uncertain if he would come back but a good length of time later when my breathing had calmed back to normal I got back into my car and drove on.

That was when I saw him.

Standing in the distance in the lonely country street and simply staring. Aloof and alone watching me.

I didn't stop. I drove home and turned in early to bed. I couldn't show my ghastly bruised lips to my mum and dad. Not unless I wanted them to die of fright or at the very least of a broken heart.

He climbed into bed beside me at midnight.  Spooning into me he reached out to kiss away my tears then lick at my bruises healing me with his saliva. Then he tore his teeth through his wrist and offered me up his blood.  But I knew what he was doing.  I had no need for his blood now. It was his way of making amends and tieing me in to him tighter. I was en wrapped in all that was Lucian already. I didn't need to be in any more deeper.

But he was frantic in his demand. Needing me to reaffirm our bonds. He didn't want to loose me. A simple assurance would not suffice.

As he did once before he overcame my struggles with brute force then thrust his bleeding tongue down my throat.  I hit at him and then when finally relented I slapped him hard.

But his eyes only darkened in passion and longing.  Pulling my reluctant frame into his tight embrace he burried his face into my heaving chest and murmured his love for me in a voice so entrancing that it was only moments later that I was lulled into sleep.

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