Chapter 35

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I parked the car and got out at a more sedate pace. But on moving past the entry to the living room I perched on the edge of a sofa and saw that Lucian was already pacing back and forth in aggression. Like a caged animal he prowled the length of his confined space in agitation.  He was spoiling for a fight. One of a more physical sort.

So I was very surprised to find that he did nothing at Nicky's entry. Instead he chose to act only when I decided to move on. To go to my room for some much needed breathing space.

As I rose shakily to my feet fatigued yet again by the emotional turmoil that was the two of us, he was there before me. Preventing me from rising. Falling to his knees before me he burrowed his aggrieved face into my lap.

I sighed before running my hands helplessly through his dark curling hair. His strands felt wonderfully soft to touch. A far cry from the extent the rough shod nature that was Lucian.

In a blur of movement only a moment later I found myself in his room on his bed. He was in the phone calling for a delivery of pizza. I could see his plan already.  He would spend the next few months possibly starving himself and all the while stuff me with more food then I could possibly handle.

Looking at the near desperate expression in his dark eyes, I knew I had no recourse but to act. And act soon for the both of us.

I laid back against the pillows and watched him resume his silent prowling.  Only this time in his room and no doubt counting the time to the pizza delivery. 

I silently contemplated his prowling stance and came to a conclusive decision.

I would have to speak with Lucian's mother.  And the sooner the better.

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