Chapter 29

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I bit into my sandwich in great relish. Something had to be said for the cool crisp country air. It made me starving for food. 

I spared a momentary glance down at my waif like frame silently acknowledging that I could use the few extra pounds.  I munched hard and swallowed quickly before looking up. I didn't want an indigestion and I knew looking away from my plate would give me just that. So I stuffed my mouth with another bite to keep from looking.

But everyone already knows how curiosity killed the cat. I was apparently no different and as my twitching eye lids indicate... soon to meet my untimely demise.

I looked up.

Then choked on my food.

Reaching frantically for my glass of ice water I gulped it down in cool relief.

If glares could kill poor Walter would already be dead. Walter who was even called that anymore? 

I had walked into the cozy diner with Lucian looking sleek, menacing and out of place by my side. Walter was already there waiting for me and looked taken aback by Lucian by my side. 

I swiftly introduced the two and awkwardly explained that I meant nothing more than a blood bag to him. That comment had perhaps been not only untimely but also perhaps a little unwarranted but I was still in a state over the kiss that almost worked.

I had been irrational. I understood that now but now was too little too late. For the two men already sat giving menacing stares at each other for the length of time we had been here.

So I ate faster trying to hurry along this threesome lunch date. Lucian hadn't bothered with the pretence of a meal. But Walter had ordered a sandwich too. And his remained untouched on his plate.

He was too busy glaring at Lucian.

"Your lunch is getting cold," I said stupidly for a want of a better thing to say to break the ice.

"Walter here is having a cold sandwich so you can't be talking about his lunch. So here take my coat," said Lucian amiably draping his coat about my shoulders. 

I grimaced then bit back a groan at Walters furious look at Lucian for blatantly calling me his lunch. I flushed red and said instead, " So Walter,  you live around here? "

I winced again at the incredulous stares that both men sent my way. It was not a stupid question.  I was here but I didn't live here.

But both men chose to take it as a stupid question.  Oddly enough that gave them something in common.

So when Lucian offered the olive branch by asking Walter," What do you do for a living? "

I was not completely surprised to find him actually answering.  Lunch progressed surprisingly well after that. With the two men finding so much in common.  They shared a heartfelt interest in the same footy team, the same rugby team, the same tennis pro, the same triathlon winner and then it went on to cover their mutual interest in business and politics. State and National.

Lunch hour got extended well past the usual hours.  We had tea then rose to say our farewells.  But not before Lucian and Walter exchanged their contact details.  Walter waved me a merry farewell and then we were off. Lucian and I.

I made it to the car and then half way back before I simply had to pull over and let loose a hoot of uncontrollable laughter.

Lusting for you-completedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin