Chapter 88

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My breath came out in pants. The cold chilling wind scalding my frosty insides. I was running blindly in the dark for a long while now. I was clueless as to where I was going anly knowing the pull forward was greater then anything else.

I ploughed through bushes, shrubs and flitted across busy highways. My speed was incredible. As incredible asmy night vision. But I didn't need sight to move forward. My other senses was enough to carry me forward. Always forward.

My strides wide and swift I moved with an ethereal grace like never before. Motions fluid and powerful, I was predator in motion.

It was approaching dawn when my feet started to slow its pace. My movements forward grew cautious and hesitant. I was in enemy territory and closing in on my unknown target.

The shadow leaped across at me in equally startling speeds. I dived on instinct curling up defensively before my alarms bells clamoured shooting me out of my crouch to leap for the branch above. My hand caught and pivoted my body into a lethal missile that I aimed at my foe like a worthy adversary.

My feet slammed into his thorax. I heard the satisfying crack as his head fell back but didn't linger.

Instead I forced myself on forward taking the path of my assailant. My sensitive nose picking up his scent and using it to make my way on to the enemy base.  

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