Chapter 19

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Daniel Pall approached Lucian thunderously. At his tail was the desolate Blondie and Redbeans that Lucian failed to cast out to oblivion. I watched the dawning drama unfold. 

A family tiff. How unbecoming. I sipped at my champagne feeling it all go straight to my head.

I glanced about with a despondency I couldn't shrug off. Lucian was tenebrific that way producing darkness from within and resembling the creatures that reside within its shadowy embrace.

I sipped more of my intoxicating brew eyeing him up greedily in passing. In all honesty disrobing a vampire shouldn't be so difficult but not so with my Lucian. I wished Blondie and Redbeans well in their endeavour.  And raised my imaginary hats off to the two new wanna be's.

I made my way slowly ambling amidst the crowded room slowly but surely inching my way out towards the exit.

I was fooling myself in thinking I could find anyone sane in this crowd let alone my better half. If such a person existed. Never would he be caught dead in place like this let alone shack up with someone like me. A scion of the undead.

I couldn't help it.  I had high standards.  Too high in fact as they appear to snub me out of my own equations.

I was out in the open at last. Not through the front door but a small side entrance.  But that worked well enough for me.  I didn't need a front door.  I wasn't big enough to warrant an exit through one of those.  Nope this door here. Robust and sturdy was well enough for the likes of me.

I wavered and wobbled through it and took several deep breaths of untainted vampire pheromones filled air. I hadn't realised just how stuffy it had been in there.

"Let's go," said Lucian abruptly at my side. Gripping my arm and hauling me around. I could feel the anger for his farher coming off me in waves confirming my new found suspicions of earlier. He hauled me back into the brightly lit room filled with party revellers and we begun to unceremoniously push through the throng of people.  Heading straight for the front door.  Of course Lucian would only leave through the massive front doors. 

I sighed.  I was so drunk.

I turned to look up at him as tugged me along after him.

Lucian... he was as always back.

Never would he ever let me go.

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