Chapter 44

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I hurried back down stairs more to prevent myself from going back than any other reason but once there I found that I couldn't go forward.

I settled in taking a seat at the very last pew. The church was already packed. So that wasn't too hard to explain away if I needed to.

Who knew Lucian knew so many people?  

I looked around at the gathering of vampires and humans a like.  I had been astounded to find the Pall's were vampires. Despite knowing them for the most of my life to find out they were vamps was a shock.  I mean I used to play with Lucian as kids.

But Damon had told me I have been aware that they were vamps for some years now.  It was only my recent memory loss that served to work against me. I was finding there was a pattern to the things that I have forgotten. They all revolved around the Palls and Lucian in particular.  I have been wanting to talk to Lucian about the accident and our memory loss.

That I had lost select memories was unusual in itself but for Lucian to lose his memories too and in that same accident was extraordinary.  I needed to know what memories of his were missing.

But that was the difficulty of memories.  I would nevet know what was gone until someone else points it out to me.  Most of my findings have  incidental.  Cassie or Natasha would say something that I somehow knew I should know about but then I would draw a blank instead.

But it was really Lucian's friend Nicky that made me realise a whole heap of my memories was gone. According to Nicky I knew him well and that I had known him through Lucian. 

The same Lucian I could recall nothing off from five years ago. But I recalled our time together well before then and even our time apart when Lucian had gone off the bender rebelling against his father.

Who knew he would change so much in five years? To be the man he was now. A person willing to settle down in matrimony with a girl he only met and known in the past six months. It seemed too remarkable to be true to the Lucian I used to know.

I pondered over what he was saying to me earlier.  He seemed to imply that he had some feelings for me before.  Just as I've always had about him too. He was always beautiful to look at but it was his rawness that drew me to him most. He didn't prevaricate. He told it like it was. It was always black and white with Lucian.  And always an extreme.  He lived experiencing life to the fullest. Somehow, instinct maybe,  I knew that part of who he was remained the same in the past five years. 

It certainly explained the accident.  His need to push the limits would have caused that but it didn't explain why I was involved in that accident.  Lucian would never endanger me in that way.

He lov...

The door opened to permit the groom and best man.  Lucian, Damon,  Julian and Nicky walked in and in that order.

I turned to grin up at them. They made an impressive parade of the finest specimen of men and drew collective sighs as they obliviously strode on past making for the front. But it was as if I was a beacon if some sort for in sync they each turned to stare at me with wavering expressions before making their way up front.

Staring at Lucian now and comparing him to Damon, I realised that I remembered more about Lucian despite the five years of blank then I did of Damon.

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