Chapter 87

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They say the last thing you recall before death is if your one true love.

They were not wrong.

I lay there on the narrow infirmary bed with iv bags being filled with my blood draining me dry and thought of nothing but Lucian. With every fading beat of my heart and every shallow breath my lungs starved to draw in, all I thought of was every moment ever spent in Lucian's presence... and arms.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

The song of my love for him filled my being. Where blood previously ran like a river now only the litany of my love drew the beat of my heart but then that too fell silent.

My eyes had long since sealed shut in pre-death shock that shook my system. But then a fresh brew of the life giving liquid sped through my vein drawing with it a new beginning. A new everything.

Cells that were before simply me now amplified to become so much more. Like greedy sponges they absorbed the rich brew of an original drawing from it its strength and purpose.

I lay there in the state of dead rebuilding from a cellular level. Then as if jerked to life by an electric shock alarm rang through my being jolting me back to life like nothing else could. I jerked up right my eyes snapping open as I leaped off the bed with  a blood curling snarl.

The room was empty but then it would be. The great house was devoid from all but the enemy. They had snuck up on the us while I lay regenerating.

But my senses picked up the long absence of Cassie and the children. They had fleed before the invasion.

I took a wobbly pace forward feeling disorientated by the sharpness of my vision, the acuteness of my hearing but mostly the receiptive nature of my senses that seemed to have gone beyond the sixth sense. With a renewed vigour all my thoughtsxof Lucian came spoiling forwards to demand satisfaction. Satisfaction that only his immediate presence could bring.

I needed him more than anything and nothing was going to stop me from seeking him out.

I made my way slowly and uncertainly to the only window in the little room. Flinging it open I climbed out into the darkness of the fallen night and took a step into its inviting depth. My nature craving its cooling oblivion with a new found obsession. I welcomed the dark. Drawing a deep breath of it into my lungs I embraced my savage nature and let my unique new senses take over.

My feet took up a pace and a path of its own choosing. I moved with increasing speeds, blindly seeking my soul. My love. My Lucian.


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