Chapter 99

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We took off down the road on foot. Our pace slow and sedate. There was no need to rush anymore.  The humans could see us as much as they pleased.  We were fresh faced and clean.

I looked down at our joint hands. Mine paler than Lucian's.  That was the only difference in my complexion.  The rest of me appeared much the same as always. But that was the reality of being an undead. I literally just died. Sure I awakened with heightened senses, greater strengths and speeds and undeniable thirst for blood but the rest of me remained much the same.  I didn't like the paler version of me. I had acquired a nice healthy tan in my weeks at the farm but there was none of it on display now.

"You look beautiful, " said Lucian to me when I emerged from the shower. I saw in his eyes that he saw it. But I could only think that love was indeed blind.

I had only shaken my head at him and murmured, " Let's go! "

I deliberately took my gaze away from my pale hand I  his and focused up on the brilliant blue sky. It was a beautiful day. A great wounderous beaut of a day.

I all but skipped alongside Lucian waving our linked hands between us.

The smirk that twitched the side of his lips betrayed his amusement at my expense.  But I didn't care. I didn't care if he laughed openly at me. I was just that happy that I would have only laughed along. As it were I twisted away and took a running leap up onto his back.  Hanging there like a monkey on to a now laughing Lucian, I strained over the bulk of his back to rain kisses onto the sides of his face.

But he swung me off with ease and in a deliberate move had me spun to face his front. His lips came down hard on me, ferocious and demanding,  completely disregarding the pedestrian traffic that came to a stand still about us. We were cheered on  but none of it penetrated until much later when Lucian's lips finally left my own.

I gasped up at him beaming like a maniac. His own wide full toothed grin was as silly. Together with turned then making our way past the cheering crowd. Our paces picking up speed gradually till we reached the edge of the crowd and could burst away at speeds that took us to our intended destination within the hour.


In all my preparations for the trip I hadn't actually thought about the possibility of snow. But here it was, a blanket of icy white fluff that spread across the pristine landscape.

I grimaced in despair and turned disgruntled eyes up at Lucian.  Already my runners were soaked through as were the pants of my jeans. But Lucian appeared unperturbed.

Grinning back down at me. He simply reached down to sweep me up into his arms to cart me off bridal style to goodness knows where.

I wiggled my legs to get free at first but then simply relaxed in his hold enjoying the feel of his strong arms about me.

Then the landscape moved fleeting away beneath his speeding feet till he came to a stop before a cabin deep in the alpine woods.

We were completely alone here away from all walks of civilisation.

The door to the cabin was unlocked and swung open with ease. A quick glance around showed me that this was his cabin. A place Lucian disappeared off to from time to time. His version of heaven from all the craziness that was life.

And he had brought me here.

To share his sanctuary.

I lifted my lips up to his demanding a much needed kiss.

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