Chapter 58

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I stood there for a moment undecided and ill equipped.  But that  didn't stop me from worrying my bottom lips in growing anxiety.  Fear bubbled up from the crevices of forgotten memories but this time my fear was not for me but for the small valiant boy who stood at ready to fight whatever demons the car rolling up my parent's drive would bring.

Thankfully my indecision was short lived. I spun around and made for the kitchen. Fumbling with the old fashioned wooden drawers I sprung open the one that held the knives.  Pulling out the most lethal of the lot, I went forward to stand by Brian. His gaze wavered momentarily first to swing towards me in enquiry then to double back in shock taking in the large knife I now held in my hands. But I didn't waver. Standing firm beside him I moved slightly forward to indicate that I would be the one protecting him and not the other way round. 

I may be the weaker of the two but I was still the adult and what I say was law. I frowned at him warningly and grudgingly he fell back to leave me standing before him even as I shook in my boots.

The anticipation was killing me and yet it couldn't have been but moments later the car travelling at the speeds that it was pulled up in front. The doors opened then slammed shut. Instantly I felt then heard Brian sigh in relief.

" Its not one of us," was all he said.

But it was enough to make me sigh in dizzying relief.  I hastily swung around the knife I still held and offered the handle to Brian. Without a word he took it and returned it to the kitchen at vampriric speeds. I rolled back my shoulders and fixed on a pleasant smile.  However it was, was not the enemy but was here to see one of us. I wasn't quite sure what Nicky was out there doing to our unexpected guest but I didn't think it would be anything pleasant. So out I rushed to the rescue.

I was surprised to find the front yard empty of Nicky.  He hadn't shown to greet the new comers but that served well. No doubt he was looking all too vampiric like with his adrenaline still pumping hard from the earler fear. I knew I was looking much the same only a hundred times less lethal.

Two men stood staring up at me. One familiar the other not. I moved forward to step off the porch. I didn't want them near Brian. I didn't care who they were.

"Can I help you? " I said simply staring at the man that was familiar. I recognised him as the local banker, Mr Staleright.

"I brought Mr Bric Coleman, here to speak to your parents, " said Staleright without the customary preamble of a common greeting.

I stared up at him in confusion feeling unusually exhausted.  It wasn't just the sleepless night littered with haunting nightmares but also the adrenaline rush of moments before.

"My parents are away, Mr Staleright.  Whatever needs discussion with them can be brought up to me instead, " I said shortly.  I turned then to eye his companion consideringly but my mind was blank from the overdrive of earlier.  Still his name was familiar ... even if his face wasn't.

"Mr Coleman owns the mining concern in the adjacent town as you know your parent's property sits on the border. Mr Coleman here has sent his people to negotiate with your parents many times before but to no avail.  He has now come in person to ensure a favourable outcome," said Mr Staleright smiling broadly as if in full expectation that I would ensure such an outcome. 

I groaned outright at that not bothering to put a polite face on it.

" Look, Mr Staleright, " I said not bothering to adress the Coleman dude," I don't have the time right now nor the interest to hear anything about this.  Please leave. "

I knew what I said more than bordered on rudeness but I didn't care I wanted them gone. I knew the irritation I felt was not their fault but I was still shaking inside from the blood curling fear they had inadvertently put me through.

"I don't think you understand,  Ms Allen," said the cool husky tones of Mr Coleman surprising me with the intensity of his tone. I tilted my head to look up his six foot tall length till my gaze clashed with his own soft brown hues. Its tawny golden warmth velying the hard steel within its depths. " I didn't come here to negotiate.  I came to make an offer. One you have no choice but to accept.  I have here with me a local council permit that re zones your property from residential to mining.  You're now residing on this land illegally. The dwelling must be torn down."

My mouth fell open in shock as I continued to stare speechless into his eyes. The glow of satisfaction that spread across its depths was not only menacing in its intensity but held within it a deep satisfaction that things were falling in to place with his plans.

I felt it then an unsettling dislike for one Mr Bric Coleman.

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