Chapter 36

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I couldn't get away any sooner than the two weeks later. Lucian had me under constant surveillance.  Having lost me once to his father's machinations he wasn't about to let it happen again.  Then there was the unveiling that would be happening soon. The originals will reveal their existence to the world.

With the infected vamps now readily accepted by the rest of the world the original vampires felt secure in coming out into the open about their own existence.  Lucian's dad played a great role in that turn out as well.

I wasn't sure but it made sense for the witches to space themselves out and then come out of the wood works themselves. I wasn't the best informed  about these coming events but my non-existent but still persistent sixth sense tells me I was running out of time on all accounts. My existence was numbered.  Lucian's because of me was counting his days too and most importantly were  in an emotional limbo ourselves.

I couldn't dither any longer.  I had to act and it needed to be now. So I took my life literally in my hands and gingerly made my way to my car. It had to be now or never. I have been sprouting off some nonsense about chores and shopping all day till both Lucian and Nicky thought I was on the brink of requiring an admittance into bedlam. 

So with the base of me excuse well laid out I had gone through my usual routine of popping in all my vitamins and even downing several slices of pizza.There was always some lying around there days.  Lucian's solutions to my skinny problem.

I ignited the engine and maintained my focus on staying calm. Then I was off driving at a sedate pace that raised no interest.  Nicky followed behind.  But I didn't see him so he must have been on foot. I knew I had only till the city limits before Nicky saw just where I was heading and all hell broke loose.

I made my trip to through the city lengthy. Actually stopping by certain shops abd buying some random things.  I needed to make it seem believable at least till the very last moment.  The point of no return.

Despite my delays.  I was soon there. At the last traffic lights.  The point from which Nicky and then Lucian would be gunning for me. Both aiming to get to me before I crossed over into Lucian's father's, Daniel Pall's territory. 

I shifted revved my engines while I waited gearing up for the sprint of my life. The light took its time building my anticipation and my fear till sweat dripped down the sides of my face and I quivered where I sat.

The it was green. I shifted gears as I eased off the clutch and swiftly moved up the gear locks till I locked in on fifth.  My foot pressed pedal to the metal and than I was off with my tires burning rubber and Lucian screaming terror in my head.

My head started to ache from the pressure Lucian was inflicting on it but I didn't relent. I kept my foot down and sped like crazy sweving in and out of traffic till I saw the great white domes to the magistic home that belonged to the Pall family.

Nicky shot out in front of me but I had anticipated something like this so I swerved around him madly trying to regain control of my vehicle without flipping over.

Then Lucian was there. He almost made me slam the breaks just from that look of utter betrayal in his eyes. But I recalled that I was doing this for him. To save him as much as to save myself too.

I purposely looked away and swerved again this time going off the road. In all my planning ahead I noted there was one part of this invisible territory claim thst jutted out making it all that much more nearer to me now.

I crossed over without misshap but Lucian did not break away even if Nicky did fall behind.

A moment later and my cat door was wrenched open and Lucian slid in beside me whilst we still moved at obscene speeds. But it didn't matter now.  The deed was done.  I had gotten Daniel Pall's attention. Now I needed to only wait.

Lucian gripped the steering and hauled to his right swerving in a great arch that kept the speeds high while preventing a flip over but he was too late.

There standing in a row before us was Daniel Pall, his two other sons and a troop of his followers.

I turned to face Lucian fully and sighed in relief.

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