Chapter 54_ The end!

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"Lucian was addicted to me?"

I couldn't seem to get over that fact. "And he remembered all about us these last six months.  Yet he never approached me even once?"

"From what I understood from Lucian your relationship was never really like that. The love you had for each other was overshadowed by his lust for your blood.  You didn't even know that was in love with you only till much later. Not that it changed anything.  The two of you were doomed as a couple right from the start, " said Damon as he settled me more comfortably against him.  I rested my head on his chest. We were both still dressed to the nines in clothes fit for a wedding. And not just any wedding either but my Lucian's. 

He was no longer mine.

"It was the only way he could ensure your survival," murmured Damon suddenly in the silence that fell.

I found it strange that both Lucian and I plotted against the other for the survival of the other. Neither of us were willing to let the other die and were apparently willing to do anything about it.

So where does that leave us? Where does it leave any of us?

I didn't know and I was too tired to think about it now.  Either way it was too late.  Lucian no longer belonged to me. He was not mine nor would he ever likely be. It was simply time that I moved on. I was noy a child to stubbornly pine for something that could never be mine. I shut my eyes with a renewed determination to face my future boldly.

But then Damon spoke in the dark.

"What do you intend to do tomorrow? "

I shook my head against him and said, " I don't know. "

"You could stay on... here with me."

I dropped a kiss on his chest at that but shook my head at him again.

"You deserve someone better than me. She is out there. Your true love.  She isn't me," I said simply.

"I used to envy Lucian for having you. I always have.  I still do," he whispered softly with a small sigh.

"I am not his. Not anymore."

"You should stay all the same.  You feel as though you belong with us. Never mind that you and Lucian are no longer meant to be.  You still belong. Get some sleep.  I will think of something for you tomorrow. "

So I slept for the last time in Damon's arms.

I didn't move out of the Pall's residence the next day... or the day after either.  In fact I was still in residence a good week later. With Lucian having returned with his new bride to the home I once shared with him, staying with the Pall's did not prove too difficult.

But I no longer shared Damon's bed at nights.  I moved back into the room first allotted to me. I missed having Damon's solid presence beside me at night but I knew I couldn't depend on him to continue keeping my future at bay. I did however heed his request to be a nanny to his kid for as long as he had need of me. I did afterall owe him nothing less than my life and for Lucian's life too.

He saved us both.  Mostly from each other.

I wasn't sure but perhaps fate had something in store for us in time to come. But either way I was now an unofficial member of the Pall family.

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