Chapter 25

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"Hi Ralph. I am Kira," I mumbled out a greeting at the man mum dragged over to introduce to me. He was tall dark and handsome sort of like in a Clarke Kent kind of way.

But I was not the most socially accomplished sort or the at all interested sort either. I formed a feeble smile, already at lost for what to say.

Some might even say I was inept in the social niceties that others so easily engaged in. As it were I managed the initial hello then lapsed into awkward silence.  But then so too did Ralph.  It appeared we had more in common than mum had realised.

"So er.. Clarke... er.. I mean Ralph,  what is it that you do?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"I am a lawyer.  I have my own practice in the city and I volunteer at the family assistance office offering legal advice on the side," he said providing a clear picture that he was everything that was Lucian's opposite.  Except his lack of social grace. That I think the two actually had in common. 

I beamed a blank smile at him unable to find anything else to say.  It was difficult to dredge up a false interest when there just wasn't a hope for any.

Thankfully my phone decided to buzz at that moment.  I offered a rueful smile at Ralph then eagerly pulled out my phone anxious for a distraction. It was a message from Lucian. I flickered through it and saw that he was coming over.


I glanced up and around as if expecting him already to be here.  It wouldn't surprise me if he were but I wasn't.  I turned to catch Nicky eyes then using my phone I passed on the message that Lucian would be arriving later tonight.

I could barely hide my excitement then which made no sense. I had only a couple of hours earlier left him in the city. Eager for some time away and yet here I was trying not display inappropriate enthusiasm for the arrival of my one and only Lucian.

I wondered why he was coming but I didn't really care. I was only glad that he was coming.  I errupted into a mindless chatter over nothing in particular with poor Ralp sending a confused mix of signals no doubt. I begun counting the hours and hardly ate a bite at all through dinner but then the guests were leaving.

"I am staying over at my uncle's ranch not too far from here. Perhaps we can meet up again?" Ralp looked down at me hesitantly.  I tore away my eyes from the darken road ahead and gave Ralph a dismissive nod. I didn't care either way. I only wanted him to leave. I beamed another aimless smile up at him sute that he saw me now as an dumb blond only I wasn't.

Wasn't blond that is. I could still well be dumb especially as I was still pining for a man no one else wanted me to have. One that I wasn't even sure I could possibly have. 

It seemed that what I had considered as the be all end all of Lucian's declaration of his love for me was only the first of many hurdles that would follow. 

Then Ralph was gone and so was the last of mum's guest winding down the dirt road and all but disappearing into the dark.

I reluctantly closed the door and turned in  for the night.  I would have sat out waiting for Lucian's arrival all night if need be only I knew I would never hear the end of it from mum and then my otherwise unintrusive dad too would have something to say.

It was near three am in the morning when the quiet hush of an expensive engine alerted me to Lucian's arrival. I glanced out at my open window and moved to rise from the bed aiming to head out front to let him in but Lucian it appeared had other ideas.

The shock of seeing him climb through my window would have sent me screaming in fright only I recognised him well enough.

" Lucian? " I breathed out shakily then rose unsteadily to my feet.

He closed the distance without a word and wrapped me up in his arms.

"I couldn't stay away," he murmured hoarsely in my ear sending my heart papitating into a thunderous beat.

" I am glad you are here," I murmured softly in return.   

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