Chapter 38

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I turned away from her worried eyes to meet Damon's. Dark haired blue eyed Damon was shared something of Lucian in his looks. Both Damon and Lucian had their fathers dark good looks but Julian was like their mother blond with green eyes. The girls, Lucian's two sisters were one of each. Dark haired Lolitha and the fairer haired Natasha. I haven't seen them in ages.  But we had never been close to begin with.

Of all of Lucian's siblings I shared words with Damon the most.  He was the only one who seemed to care. But even him I had not seen much of in the last five years.

"What is your plan?  You must have one in coming here, " said Damon staring down at me with an expression inscrutable in his blue eyes.

" I was thinking... you know when Lucian and I were children and he used to blank my thoughts, " I said this to Cassie prompting her to recall those times.

"Yes?"  Cassie looked at me hesitantly.

"I was wondering if you could do that to Lucian. To both of us.  To block our minds and make us forget each other.  Its the only way Lucian could survive my death. You've already seen I am too far gone to make a decent recovery. Its Lucian's blood in me that's keeping me alive at all. I don't want to go knowing I have done nothing to make things right. Lucian deserves a chance to be happy.  He's just too stubborn to see it that way," I said simply.

We all know that his love for me aside, his guilt over my death alone would be enough to send him off the bender and swiftly follow in my wake to meet our maker.

"I could put him in the grave for just doing this to you," said Damon. His eyes glittering in a barely bridled rage that I have never seen on him before.  He was the calm and collected older brother.  He set aside his personal opinions and got the job done.  I needed for him to do that now. I reached out to catch his chilled hand in my own.

"Its too late, " I said to him simply.  " Its too late to worry over me. I am all but gone. Spare your concerns for my Lucian.  He will need it more."

The light in his eyes twitched flickering into a darker depth giving me a glimpse into what he really was behind his carefully constructed facade. I released my hold on his hand feeling the chill from his skin ride up my hand seeping into my very bones till my blood cooled and shivers racked through my body.

His snarl was instant and vicious but I felt my vision waver then black out completely.

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