Chapter 9: Training Chapter

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(Your POV)
Today was the day of training, so that means I'm going all out today. I had a list of training regimes supplied by my classmate, Mukuro Ikusaba. She has experience in combat too, so I asked her for advice yesterday, and she gave me an over the top list. I showed it to Issei, and he almost fainted. Another list I had was a list of 'tools' I'm going to need to take on Riser. I already know he has a healing factor and pyromancy, so brute force like my usual methods aren't going to cut it. I'll admit, my methods are...tenacious to put it lightly, but in my defense, it's what was the most effective for me in the past.

Either way, that leads to me with Genbu on my back and several chains around my chest pulling a truck that had multiple boulders in the bed of it, and on top of all those rocks sat Rias, kind of like a cherry on top. Well, her hair is red, so maybe that's not entirely inaccurate. I was walking alongside Issei and Kiba, who had a small backpack and a medium backpack respectively. Koneko was on the other side of me, on her back was a very large backpack. I was sweating not because of all the weight I was pulling, but also because of the sun.

"Lady Rias, forgive me for being rude, but I suggest training yourself as well." I suggested as I marched up the steep hill, wait, did I turn on the parking brake? "Perhaps on your precision or martial arts skills?"

"I'll start training when we reach the house, since you asked so nicely, but you're going to have to help me~." Rias winked for some reason, and I quickly turned my head to hide the redness, I was never really good at 'feelings'.

A couple more minutes passed before we reached the top of the hill, allowing me to take off the chain and crack my bones. I wasn't tired in the slightest, but boy was that uncomfortable. I walked to the back of the truck to see Rias was already standing beside it, I held my hand out and she handed me the keys since this was my truck, but not after kissing my cheek for some reason. Due to this being me, I used my hand to cover my mouth and nose whilst diverting my eyes to the sky.

"I-I'm going to t-train by the lake I saw on the way here." I stuttered from the embarrassment whilst walking, but I almost tripped over something, it was Issei. "Issei, do you need help?"

"Yes..." Issei didn't let his pride control him, which is a useful skill to have in hell.

I picked Issei up by his backpack and pulled it off him to allow my friend to stand on his own two feet. With that out of the way, I started walking towards the lake to begin my training. The lake itself was isolated, no roads or houses as far as the eye could see. The only house that was somewhat close by was the Gremory house we were staying at. Either way, this spot was perfect, the only thing I could hear were the sounds of birds chirping and the waterfall that granted this lake water. I slammed the bottom of my shield onto the ground, propping it up whilst I removed the jersey and gym shorts I was wearing over my wetsuit. I still had my parka on me, since I was going to be experimenting with it. I put my feet in the water and wore my parka properly, but as I put the hood up, I hesitated for a moment.

'What if someone sees me?' The thoughts rushed through my head, I didn't want to be cast aside again.

I slapped myself in the face to snap myself out of it, and I took off the parka before setting it with the rest of my clothes beside Genbu. I also had that book my familiar gave me, but I already knew the spells I wanted to work on right now, elemancy. I was trying to work on my memorization of these spells because they required so many details to be remembered in order to utilize properly, it's kind of overwhelming. The only reason I managed to utilize that spell back in ORC was because I read about it moments before. Luckily, elemancy was a simple form of magic which I utilized by using a conduit. I decided to make myself the conduit, so I submerged myself into the lake.

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