Chapter 47: I Told Y'all She Gets Better

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(Your POV)
Two weeks later, it was finally September and school has just started back up. I was wearing my summer uniform, and the best part was, no more heavy parka! Okay I told a white lie, I actually learned some magic from Akeno that allowed me to turn it into other pieces of clothing, so right now, it's a ring with a seal design on it. I was wandering around the school heading to ORC, I decided to take the scenic route to remind myself of the school grounds. To be honest, over the past two weeks, I've only learned one talent, but it's incredibly complex and undoubtedly one of my most useful abilities. It's the talent known as Ultimate Robot, and it's rather simple, it allows me to create robotic objects so long as I have an understanding of everything about what I'm making, and I need enough magic to make it. So far, I can create artificial wings, small cannons, and some small gadgets like EMP's and flashbangs. Plus I can also see in thermal, x-ray, and electromagnetic vision when I focus magic into my eyes.

All things considered, a very useful skill.

I was walking around until I noticed Issei was distressed on a hill, so like a good friend, I must go help him. I walked over to the tree he was resting under, and he was so distressed he didn't seem to notice me. As I got closer though, I heard the sound of Issei muttering something. Curious as to what it was, I walked closer and listened. Issei noticed me right away before starting a conversation, albeit a random one. "(Y/N), have you by any chance lost your virginity over the summer?"

"Um...I don't think so?" I answered, and I think I would recall losing my virginity, but I'm not a smart man. "Why do you ask?"

"Everyone's changing, and I feel like I'm the only person here who stayed the same." Issei stated, and this was actually a deep subject, so I sat down next to him. "I mean, out of everyone, you've changed the most. Back when I first met you were lonely and didn't really talk much, now you're a VIP in hell with your own unique peerage on the way."

"I suppose that's because change is inevitable, and it comes for us all in time." I looked at the school in front of us. "In fact, I would say you would change too, but it's more like you're rejecting change."

"I suppose that's because I'm scared." Issei looked at the school as well. "I liked how things were. Just staring at breasts and us hanging out. Now I'm apparently the chosen one and you're going to be part of an elite force that preserves the balance of the supernatural world. I was okay with just a simple life, I don't want things to change."

"Change is inevitable, you just gotta go with the flow." I summoned a sphere of water in my hand to watch it flow in circles. "The way I see it, life is similar to the currents of the ocean. If you go with the flow and use the flow, you could get what you want. If you don't, then you'll most likely drown. Besides, you've grown as well."

"What do you mean?" Issei didn't know about his change, and I didn't notice my own change until recently.

"Think back on actions in the past, if you cringe, then you've changed."  I made the water ball disappear. "By the way, the sports festival is coming up, and given how you're still around human level, don't hold back."

"What about you?" Issei asked, and I kind of had to remind him that us talented course students aren't allowed to participate in sports festivals in the first place. "Eh? Why not?"

"Our abilities are way too diverse and absurd, like Unohanna can barely lift a chair while I was able to carry steel beams with ease before becoming a devil." I explained. "Besides, those of us with physical talents or physical training for said talents could absolutely destroy everyone else."

"To be fair, you still scare me." Issei lay on the grass, having his head face the sky. "By the way, there's a transfer student coming in today."

"A transfer student?" I asked, usually we were the reason a transfer student appears, like the case with Asia and Xenovia. "This late? The school year is halfway done."

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