Chapter 17: Create the Depths (Fixed)

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(Your POV)
"Good morning (Y/N)."

"Morning Akeno."

Today I got an order from Rias, one that I most likely needed to skip school for. It was a task relating to magic, so I can tell right away that I was going to need help for it. I decided to call Akeno because she was better than me in terms of magic. After we greeted each other at the door, Iet her in the house. Irina and Xenovia were off searching for excalibur, leaving my parents and I alone in the house. Natalia and Asger were on the couch, looking through a magazine on guns. When Natalia saw Akeno, almost out of reflex, Natalia was ready to throw her shoe at the queen piece, but I explained everything. Natalia wasn't happy about letting Akeno be in the same house as me, but she put her concerns aside for now because Asger asked her to.

Out of everyone, Natalia is most cautious of Akeno because of her flirtatious nature. She's okay with Rias because of Rias' elegance, Asia and Koneko are 100% okay, and the two church officials are in a gray area. I guided Akeno to my room, which I've decorated to suit my personality. I had help from Asia and Issei, and I'm proud of how it turned out.

"Ta da

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"Ta da." I awkwardly opened the door to reveal my bedroom, allowing Akeno to walk in, followed by me. "Make yourself at home, and thanks again for helping me with this."

"No problem, Rias was busy with paperwork, so the job is up to me." Akeno sat on my bed while I sat at my desk chair and pulled out the book Jörmangandr gave me. "So this is the book? What spell did you need help with?"

"A spell called 'Create the Depths', the most powerful spell in this spellbook." I began flipping through my spell book and finally reached the page for the spell in question. "It has a 60 feet radius, but it's effects are potent. It cancels out flight, causes the minds of those inside it to become more pessimistic, allows me to read the minds of whoever's caught in the affected area, exerts at least 7,350 pounds per square inch on every living being, and more."

"That's quite the spell, so I can see why you needed help." Akeno held her hand out to me as she lay on my bed on her stomach. "So this affects you too, right?"

"Everything aside from the mind reading part does apply to me as well." I crossed my arms and huffed. "I was able withstand around 9,000 PSI before becoming a devil, so now my limit should be quadrupled, though I am worried about the rest of you"

"Even so, fighting sixty feet away from you is going to be a difficult option, since you're bound to be close to the opponent." Akeno commented as she began reading. "Is there any chance you can focus all of the negative effects on your opponent?"

"Possibly, but that won't matter if I can't use the spell." I pulled out a roll of poster paper. "It's a magic circle spell that needs components, which I have, but I can't do magic circles correctly."

"Magic circles are naturally complex, so I'm sure what you're doing is just a rookie mistake." Akeno set the book, which contained an image of the magic circle I'm supposed to draw, down next to her while I handed her the poster board. "(Y/N), I know you're trying your best, but this looks nothing like the magic circle..."

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