Chapter 40: Preparations for a Dance

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(Your POV)
"There once were a pair of nekomata, a pair of sisters. They were the only family they ever had, and they relied on each other with all their hearts. One day, the elder sister was recruited into a devil's peerage, and the elder sister began making a name for herself while finding a place for the younger sister to stay. One day, something awoke in the elder sister. The nekomata are capable of powerful magic, and this black magic awoke in the elder sister. In a matter of time, the elder sister surpassed her former master in power, and became drunk on her own power, killing the master and becoming a monster who seeks only combat. The devil faction hunter after the younger sister, fearing she would become a powerful monster like her sister. Then Sirzechs found the younger sister, broken from her sister's betrayal and the threats from the devils. Sirzechs granted the girl protection, and put her in the custody of me, where I gave her a new name...Koneko."

Rias gave me a full explanation of Koneko's past, and I understood why Koneko had trouble showing her emotions. "Koneko, are you okay with me knowing all this?" I asked whilst focusing on the small girl.

"Yes, you've done nothing but help me, so you deserve to know." Koneko stated, and I respected her choice to let me know. "(Y/N), how do you get stronger without relying on your blood?" I noticed Koneko started crying. "I'm completely useless as I am right now, even as a rook, I'm the weakest one here. I hate being useless..."

"I understand your ambitions, but the way you're going about it now will only hurt you." Rias commented as I grabbed onto Koneko's hand whilst using my other hand to wipe her tears, my way of letting her know she's not alone.

"I don't want to use that power...if I do, I'll become like my sister." Koneko looked like she was having flashbacks, and I squeezed her hand enough for her to snap out of it. "I can't stand the thought of it... (Y/N), how did you get stronger?"

"I did what only I can do, the same thing your sister did." What I said caught everyone off guard. "Everyone has something only they can do, whether you utilize that ability is entirely up to you. You will never become like your sister, and even if you do become a monster, which you won't, I will save you from yourself."

"How can you be so sure, I don't want to hurt you (Y/N)." The first expression Koneko ever showed me was right in front of me, and it was fear, an emotion that never suited Koneko.

"You won't, not only because I am the Ultimate Immortal, but because you're Koneko Tojo, the rook of Rias Gremory." I had a serious expression, surprising Koneko enough for her to suddenly embrace me in a hug, and one I knew she needed. "You are stronger than your sister, you possess more self control and strength than she does."

"But how will I know I won't go berserk like my sister did?" Koneko asked, and that was a hard question.

"You won't, it's a leap of faith." I decided to copy a line I heard from a movie I watched with Xenovia, but I wasn't going to tell Koneko that.

Koneko and I stayed like this until she stopped crying, then she broke the hug and continued eating the meal I made her using magic. Rias explained to me that Koneko was a Nekoshou, one of the more powerful kinds of nekomata. So Koneko would feel more safe about trying to utilize her Nekomata side, I promised Koneko I would make a neutralization drug and inject it into her should she get drunk on her power like her sister was. Unfortunately, our little reunion was cut short by a servant delivering some news. Apparently there was a kind of ball coming up, and I needed to get ready for it. I made sure Koneko was alright one more time before the servant physically dragged me out of the room, with Mule skipping right behind me.

I continued getting dragged until I arrived at an empty ballroom, there were pillars along the walls and arches between each pillar. The arches and pillars all held up a roof with renaissance-era paintings, the contents of which appeared to be of devil history. There were windows to let light into the room, and against the various walls were a variety of tables and chairs, moved out of the way for practice. In the middle of this ballroom, Grayfia and Venelana were talking. Grayfia was out of her maid uniform and wearing a blue ballroom dress, she didn't really put much effort into her appearance, since she wasn't wearing any makeup.

Shield of the Waves (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon